Chapter 4- Confrontation?

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Dear reader, I hope you enjoy ^_^ UPDATE: Just editing


(Ziggy's POV)

I tried to open my eyes but they were so heavy that I couldn't. I heard giggling next to me. I grinned.

My angel.

There was a sound of a door opening, clicking sounds, then a gasp. I felt a nudge beside me. I tried to move, but I was wrapped up in something fluffy. It felt kind of nice but a little restricting on my sides. The clicking stopped and I managed to flutter my eyes open.  I looked up and my eyes met with my boss's smirking ones.

"Hahaha you silly fool... I see that you're all tied up in your work. Well done."

I grimaced.

"Yes Ma'am."

Her eyes roamed over me to something, I craned my neck to follow her gaze and saw that my angel had her face buried in my back. I smiled happily but quickly hid it when I turned back to my boss. She had a weird look on her face.  I figured that she was contemplating the situation, but she was still smirking. I looked down and sighed. Of course my boss had to see me this way.

I look like an idiot, but I don't care its comfortable.

I looked back at miss boss lady.  

"I have another job for you. You must watch her every move from now on."

Thank you God! I can be with my Cute One all day everyday. Oh man, am I seriously blushing right now? How lame...

"Hey kid, I need to take care of some things so watch her for me ok? Oh, by the way, don't wash your face for awhile. It looks good that way."

"Of course ma'am. Wait why are you commenting about my face now?"

She cackled with joy and held up one of those little mirrors that girls always carry in their purses... compact mirror was it? I stared at myself with, well, I had mixed feelings about what I saw. I was a mix of happiness, anger, and amazement. I turned red when I made out what it said.

Does this mean my angel likes me?

I tried to hide my happiness as well as I could under my serious mask.

I get to stay with my angel!!

I think it worked, because the woman threw her head back and exited with a over exaggerated flourish of her hands. 

Drama queen? 

I rolled my eyes and neck to the side and glanced at my angel.

Is she awake? She's so dang cute...Why am I so attracted to her? This is crazy. I've never felt this way about a girl ever. I hope she's single...  Am I going crazy? I'll ask my buddy Luke later. He has experience with this kind of thing. Ugh, feelings-oh she wakes.

I watched as she lifted her head and squeak when she saw me staring at her.

Oh shoot... I hope im not creeping her out.

I averted my eyes and heard her giggle.

What's she laughing- oh yeah, haha my face. Of course. Whatever, I'll just play along.

I turned back to her. She rolled around in her carpet and laughed hysterically. I rolled after her chuckling. She started to change course and bumped into me. She made an oofing sound. 

Gahh! Her cuteness!! It's overwhelming!

She peeked out at me and giggled again. I grinned and leaned my head towards hers and whispered.

"Hey wann-"

"Hay is for horses! Haha!! Betcha can't catch me!"

She rammed into me and managed to bulldoze her way over me. I flexed my abs as she soared over me and chortled. I liked her sense of humor. She suddenly froze and flopped her hands to her cheeks.

"Oh my gosh!! I forgot! Where's Lemonhras?!"


"My awesome pet you fool!"

She dramatically looked to the ceiling and threw her arm over her eyes.

"Oh my sweet Lemonhras!"

What is he, your lover?!

She then proceeded to collapse to the floor in slow motion. She was on her knees with her head down. 

Poor girl.

She bounced up and punched her fist into the air.

"I will find you Lemy!!"

I take that back. This girl needs help.

She glanced at me and scooted closer.

"Um, Ziggy-"

Oh no not again. 

My head started to hurt again. This time, it came with a vision. A little girl picking flowers, her long hair blowing in the breeze.

It's that little girl again.... oh my gosh! She looks just like my sweet ange-... wait.

I shook my head and the vision vanished. I stared at my angel.

Yep, that's the girl from my vision.

After I came to that realization, the pain in my head went away. Wierd. This is really wack. Wackety wack.  My lips drew apart as I smiled widely.

So she is my sweet angel. I totally remember now!! We used to play together when we were kids! I had such a big crush on her...Wow, she turned into such a beauty!! What a total babe! My feelings for her just increased by 90 percentage!! Woah, crazy dude! Oh snap!  I just remembered that she used to call me Ziggy! It all makes so much sense now!! Cool beans. Now I just have to make her fall for me. Then we could go out, get married and grow old together.Oh poo, now I'm nervous to talk to her. What if she doesn't like me? What if she rejects me? What i-

I paused when I realized my angel was now hugging me. I was flabbergasted.

What brought this action on?


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