Chapter 15: He's gunna give me a heart attack!

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Liz's POV:

"I will never forget you... Baldy."

I whispered to the once bald part of Ziggy's head. Ziggy rolled his eyes and sighed. Uncle Reggy had calmed down and we had come to the agreement not to do any PDA in front of him for the sake of humanity. We were just sitting on the bed, chillin in the room that Luke let us borrow for the time being. We had placed a stuffed animal next to the tv and were admiring it's splendor. Then I had gotten distracted by Ziggy's new head of hair.

"Ok baby, stop talking to my scalp. You're freakin me out... Buuuuut in a good way haha."

I sighed as well and patted his hair one last time. Then I paused for a moment in respect for the old hair that was electrified off. After I had shed some tears, I threw away my hankie and changed my expression to pure happiness. I kissed Ziggy's newly grown hair.

"Welcome new members of Ziggy baby's head!"

"Babe! Please!"

"Calm down Ziggy baby! I'm just trying to be polite!"

"Yeah... But-"

Ziggy looked past me and chuckled.

"You're starting to make Luke uncomfortable."

I looked behind me and sure enough, Luke had a facial expression like no one's business.

"Bwahahaha! Luke my man, dat face is da bomb!"

Luke's eyes were closed shut. He was scrunching his nose and biting his lip. He cried out in a deep booming voice.

"Who stole my stuffed bunny!"

That was his?!

In trouble ducky?

Shut up uncle Reggy!! You know nothing!!

I know that you are the one for me-

Aaaahhhhhhhh!!! Get out of my head Uncle Reg!! Lalalala can't hear you!! Lalalaaa-


"You alright Hun?"

"Yes sorry Ziggy baby. I'm good."

He grinned at me showing his bodacious dimples.

You gorgeous man you...

"I'm glad you're good!"

"I'm glad you're glad!"

"Oh yea! Well I'm glad-"

"Wait Ziggy baby! My brain is starting to hurt!"

"Sorry babe.. I got a little carried away haha. YOLO!!"

"Your face!"

"What about my face babe?"


Luke make a grand interruption by working his dramatic close up. His face was inches from my own. It happened so suddenly that I squeaked and punched him. He staggered backwards and landed beneath his bunny. The force of his collision made the dresser shake, making the bunny fall on to his head.

"My fluffy bunneh!!"

Luke was so happy to see it that he ignored the blood rushing down his face. Forgetting what he was going to say, Luke pranced out of the room with joy.

"Hey Ziggy baby, is Luke gay?"

"Nah, he's just acting silly. Besides... He told me about this one girl who caught his eye a long time ago... I wonder if he still remembers her... he told me she was an emo... just like you. Huh... what a coincidence."

I leaned my head on Ziggy baby's shoulder and closed my eyes.

"I'll say... The man has great taste."

"Yes he does."

I felt something soft brush my lips.

Ehh? What is this?

I opened my eyes and Ziggy's face was centimeters away and I blushed so much that I was glad that Ziggy had his eyes closed.

My first kiss!! I totally need to celebrate later! Eek! That felt soo good... Gimme more baby!!

I leaned in closer and the kiss deepened. It was so magical. It tasted like candy. Yay candy. My favorite junk food. Ziggy licked my lips, cupped my cheeks with his hands, and slid his tongue in. I began to get flustered.

This is happening too quickly! I'm going to hyperventilate! Oh my heart... It's beating way too fast! Kelp! Kelp! Seaweed! Spongebob!! Confusion!

Ziggy released me and kiss my lips gently one more time. I had to giggle. His whole head was red from embarrassment. His ears were even redder. He gazed into my eyes and poked my nose.

"Sorry, I couldn't help myself. You're just so attractive when you lean on me."

I couldn't speak. That was literally the best thing that had ever happened to me. I was trying to absorb it all so I could remember this moment forever.

He slid down so he was now laying on the bed. I decided to headbutt his stomach.

Ow... He has a solid belly. Must be thunder abs... Thunder belly man!

He grunted and wrapped his arms around me.

I snuggled in his arms and fell asleep.


Merry Christmas everybody!! :D

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