14. Please Don't

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"Be careful."
"Okay, Mom." Stiles laughs as Lydia swats him on the arm, both of them stepping into the elevator. There was a silence as Stiles pressed the first floor button, not a word exchanged between them.
Lydia clears her throat. "Seriously though, come back in one piece." She mumbles.
Stiles grins. "Are you worried about me, princess?"
"Yes. Actually, I am." Her tone rose slightly.

He glanced at her from the corner of his eye, the girl fiddling with her hands and looking to the floor. Sighing, he grabbed the edge of her arm and pulled her closer. "I'll be fine, Lyds." He gave her a little peck on the lips just as the doors opened. She took a deep breath, ready to act like he annoyed the living hell out of her on a daily basis. A chuckle left him as the girl strutted out before him and immediately began to go towards Allison, who held weekly status updates.

"I'll keep an eye on him." The dark haired girl promised as Lydia flipped through information.
"Who?" She played dumb, Allison rolling her eyes before sauntering off to check up on the boy. He tried his best to hide clammy hands in his pockets, barely listened to the conversation between Scott and Isaac.

They'd only been gonna an hour before chaos erupted.

"PARKS?!" Isaac and Boyd we're halfway through the elevator door as soon as it opened, Cora close behind with a first aid in hand. The boy in their arms yelled in pain one last time before gritting his teeth just as Lydia had emerged from the bedroom. She froze, oxygen failing to find its way to her lungs, through her veins. The set Stiles on the floor hurriedly, Isaac scampering past the girl and to the kitchen for something to clean up the blood. There was too much of it for her to feel comfortable. Stiles gasped, looking down to his abdomen, yelling before throwing his head back with labored breaths.

He caught sight of Lydia and smiled.

With the last surge of energy he had, he mumbled her name before his eyes rolled to the back of his head. Only then did Lydia let out a curse before stumbling to his side on the floor.
"Where the fuck is Parks?!" Isaac yells in rage. He was the man who was supposed to take care of this shit and why was he never here? Lydia lifted his head into her lap as Cora ripped his short in two, the strawberry blonde briefly glancing at his wound.

Twelve, she thought, before refocusing her attention. His breathing was shallow, face cold, skin pale and Lydia had never been more scared for someone else in her life.
"WHAT THE SHIT HAPPENED." Lydia screamed back at Isaac this time and the boy almost cowered at her voice, startled. She looked as though she could cry any moment and she damn well was not in the mood to make up some lie about where the hell Parks was.
"Guy with a gun, he's unconscious. Isaac, check his pulse." Cora speaks calmly, telling Boyd to clean off as much blood as possibly while she got out different medical instruments.

They told him to run.

Isaac and Allison had been the killers of the job, mainly there for protection of Stiles and Boyd–the stealers. They would hit up a couple of gas stations then get a move on, simple enough and they'd done it plenty of times. Rarely did they ever run into any rivals. Oh did I forget to mention?

Back in the day, wannabe thieving groups attempted to overthrow Parks– kidnapping, killing, beating employees to the point where Lydia couldn't sleep at night. She called off all missions for a month and lots of people quit. Simultaneously, rising groups were being caught and sent to the big house.

They rounded the corner with laughter about how Boyd had tripped over a shopping cart only to bump into two very tall and intimidating men. They seemed to growl before deciding to move on, bumping Stiles' shoulder as they passed.
"Excuse you." He spat, turning to face the giants causing the others to do so as well with lumps in their throats. The only problem was that they recognized the men. And they were almost positive the men recognized them back.

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