19. Your Girl

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He wasn't going to apologize but she was just as stubborn so a sorry definitely wasn't going to slip past her lips anytime soon either.

He had lied to her and she and egged him on. It went on for about three more days, no talking, no looking and it tore both of them to pieces. Come Friday, there was no avoiding the other. Everyone was off too work and even Liam had tagged along after very persistent bickering from Isaac. Lydia had been sitting alone at one of the lunch tables when Stiles' door had creaked open but she ignored it and turned a page in her novel. With a blank expression, he watched her while descending the stairs. Her hair was a river of golden curls, tangling down her shoulder and onto the table and he didn't even attempt to avoid her. He walked right up to the girl and took a seat.

"Thought I smelt trash." She bit, flipping a page without actually reading any of the content.
Stiles scoffs. "Lyds, I'm tryi–"
"Sorry! Sorry, I lost my left shoe!"
He already hated whoever the hell this was. The boy looked to Stiles with a cheek hurting grin and he looked like a kid in a candy shop. Hell, he looked like a kid too.
"This is Elijah, the new newbie. He got in last night." Lydia informs, standing while Elijah held his hand out. Pausing momentarily, Stiles took it. What harm could he be anyway.

Stiles stood as well, almost laughing at the fact that he could easily tower over the boy. Not that he wasn't short (mind you it's not like he's twelve) but he stood maybe half an inch taller than Lydia. This immediately made Stiles slightly intimidating. Black hair, olive kind of eyes, tan skin, maybe around seventeen or eighteen but very handsome.

"Are you going to show him around?" Stiles asks.
"No I was going to shoot him in the head." Lydia replies in sarcasm. With one final glare, she grabs ahold of Elijah's arm and tugs him in the direction of the elevator. She knew Stiles was staring after them, she knew he'd get jealous too. It's like second child syndrome; Stiles was getting all the attention until this one came along.

He only woke from his nap when Isaac had opened his door mid-Friday-party with a very loud and drunk proclamation of how much he loved Stiles. Grumbling from sleep, he rolled to his side and refrained from opening his eyes. It became inevitable when Isaac began to pepper his face with kisses. Stiles threw the boy off his body with a promise that he was awake and that he would be there in a second and to get him a drink. The curly haired boy skipped (literally) out of the room while singing some form of nursery rhyme.

Isaac had returned with his drink just as Stiles finished slipping on some jeans, the two of them leaning over the edge of the railing together as they always did. It took him two seconds to spot Lydia, weaving in and out of the crowd until sitting down at one of the tables next to a dark haired boy. Elijah. Fire sparked in the pit of Stiles' stomach. He shouldn't be jealous, Lydia wasn't his but at the same time everyone knew she was. Well obviously not everyone.

He was almost positive the girl knew he was watching; being really touchy, laughing and when she had taken more than three glances at Stiles, he bit the inside of his cheek to keep from doing something bad. Elijah furrowed his brows as she gazed upwards for at least a full minute, following her trail of sight.
"If you want to make him jealous, you're doing it horribly and with the wrong guy." Elijah mumbled to her before standing to leave her alone.

Stiles almost felt relief. That was until the boy was seen climbing the stairs.
"You should beat his ass." Isaac slurred, speaking loudly enough for Elijah to hear while making dog-like eye contact with the newbie.
"Isaac." Stiles tried to get across that he didn't need to be intimidating and that he wasn't intimidating in the first place. Regardless, he staggered forward, looming over the slightly confused younger boy.
"Seriously though, I've got a knife in my pocket." Isaac grinned evilly.

Stiles rolled his eyes and took a sip of his drink. "What did we say about murdering for fun?"
"Exactly, go ask Derek about murdering for fun then report back to me in an hour."
Isaac did a solider salute, proclaimed once again how much he loved Stiles, made the "I'm watching you gesture" towards Elijah before finally stumbling down the stairs.

"Hey man," Elijah nervously cleared his throat, leaning his forearms against the railings. Stiles side glanced at him, trying in vain to analyze him. "I don't really know what I did this morning to make you mad but I'm sorry. I'm not trying to make any enemies here and you seem like someone I'd actually like to be friends with."
He didn't understand how mature and calm this guy could be. Better yet, he'd read Stiles' mind like it had been on the Sunday paper. He tried not to immediately hate Elijah (yet) because he knew technically he had done nothing wrong.

"How'd you know I was mad at you?" Was all Stiles could manage. Lydia stood out easily amongst the others to him, looming near the elevator alone. She seemed as though she wanted to disappear, to do nothing more than go to the third floor and vanish from all of civilization. People would pass and give a hello or nod in greeting but no one actually stopped to strike up a conversation. Honestly, it was a little pathetic.

"You had this animalistic type look on your face." Elijah holds his hands up as claws and imitates some kind of rabid animal causing Stiles to give him a single chuckle.
He sighed, giving in. No harm could be done by obtaining a friend. "Just....keep your hands off of Lydia." Stiles offers his cup in a cheers and Elijah immediately clinks back, eager for acceptance.

"Is she your girl?"
Authors note:
AYE WHOS ELIJAH?! What do we think???
Comment, read, enjoy!

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