
26 2 4

I was up until 6:38 thus morning and I'm SOOOOO tired. Like my face looks beat and I'm just chillin on the floor (like those sprinkles) with my sweatpants and oversized shirt and I haven't eaten for the 3 hours I've been up b/c I'm too lazy and I probably have carpet prints in my face, arm, and leg.

I'm so tired and beat, like, #slayorbeslayed and rn, I'm being slayed cause I'm about to fall asleep on this floor and I'm so cold and the blanket is like 4 feet away from me and I can't reach it so my arms and legs are inside of my shirt.

I'm such a lazy fart.

And I need Sushi the Dragon to come with Freckles and Avi so we can eat BBQ 😂😂

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