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~ Brianna ~

"Kels you know me and the kids might go visit my mom for the weekend" I said to my best friend kelsey on the phone

"are you sure bri?" she asked unsure

"yeah kels, gives us a chance to go out as well" I tell her

"okay boo, just tell the kids and make sure you pack enough things knowing you" she says and chuckles

"Yeah yeah, I'm Glad Its The Holidays Now"

"Same Its Been Boring doing nothing" She Huffs

"At least you got to do Nothing, Me? I Had To Run Around After these little Trouble makers"

"Alright I'll Speak to you later ! Bye Babes Te Amo"

"Bye Babes Te Amo"

She Ended The Call After That, I Quickly Got In My Car And Drove to The School To Pick Up Both Dylan And Hailey.

~ At school ~

"Hello Cuties!" I Say Bringing Them in a Hug And opening the door to the door for Them to Get In the car 

"Hey Mom" they Said in Unison

"So Kids How 'bout go to Visit Nana For A Week?!" I say getting into the car and starting it

"Yes!" They Both Say Again

"Good, When We Get Home You Have to Get Ready, Because we're Going To Go Tomorrow"

"Okie Dokiee" Hailey said

When We Went home, I Made the twins have a bath, also myself.

After feeding them and myself, I got them ready for bed and phoned my mother telling her we were coming for a week.

She was beyond excited

And I Was Just exhausted.

I Got Ready For Bed and Watched A Few Episodes of Teenwolf And Just Think About Dylan O'Brien and Fangirling

I Finally Went to Sleep Waiting for what's to come tomorrow.

Another One


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