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Brianna's P.o.v

"Bri!" I hear someone say which startles me

"Ah!"  I say but not too loud

"Shhhh!" Jack whispers, of course it just had to be him,

"Shut up and just sit in front of me!" I harshly whisper

He sits in front of me, just like I said but that's not the only freaking thing he does! He just has to put his frigging arms and body I front of my face so I can't even see and then has the audacity to ask me

"Is everything alright back there?" He whispers

Oh you little fu-

"FOUND YOU!" Screams Matt, me and jack both groan

I'm an a legend but now that title will deflate a little because of a little beautifully sculpted man who is a egotistical jerk who left me for a tour!

"Um Brianna, are you okay?" Jack says, interrupting me from my little rant

"I don't like you, keep that in mind." I say before getting up and leaving him standing there

"Brianna?! What the fudge was that about?" I hear Kelsey say 

and if Kelsey is back that means...

"Mama!" i hear Dylan and Hailey 

"hola mis hermosos bebés" i say happily while embracing them into a hug

"qué ser bueno para Kelsey?" i ask them pulling away 

"Sí mamá"they nod their head a little too fast

"hmm,sure..." i say raising a eyebrow at them, i get up and go hug Kelsey and telling her 'we need to catch up later'

"Hey Dylan and Hailey!" i hear jack say behind me making me roll my eyes 

"Hey jack!" they say before going and hugging him 

Do you ever get that feeling when you see a hot guy and his good with kids? 

i'm feeling that right FREAKING now!

"awe!" i hear matthew say, welp i can deny that 

"Um guys, is the game over?" i hear carter say 

"Found you!" says matthew in which carter groans and mutters 

"i knew i should have stayed hidden"


guys, i know i haven't been active and its mainly because i have mocks and things like that, so that why i've been so late but once all of that ish is over i'll be back and better but expect some chapters to come a little late and i apologize but what can i do? thank you guys so much for being patient.

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Sincerely, Your Gangleader 


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