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Brianna's P.O.V

the twins have gone to stay the night at kels who offered because apparently i need time to get 'out' there


i don't need to get out there to save my life.

but its a nice break to sit down and not have to worry about dylan and hailey fighting

Knock, Knock

who the fu-


i jump up and walk to the door and looking through the peep hole first because i dont want to die, do i?

great, the boys are here

i open the door to be greeted with a knock on the forehead, it hurt not even going to suger coat it but


'oooh's' and 'shit' could be heard until i opened my eyes to see all the boys pointing to matthew the dipshit

"i'm sorry..." he says unsurely

"yeah,yeah. what are you doing here?" i say bluntly, i mean i was watching teen wolf and these idiots made me miss my baby stiles.

"well.. we want you in our youtube video." they all say creepily

"AWW, yea...No, not going to happen, but thanks" i say closing the door but to be stopped by jack.


"pleaseeeeeeeeee!" i hear them all beg

i walk into the house, the boys following and the last one closing the door, i walk in the living room and sit on the couch and grab my now warm hot coco and watch teen wolf.

"yo, is she okay?" i hear someone say

"i'm perfectly fine, thanks taylor" i say still looking at the screen

"holy fuc-, Guys we should go before she starts doing some bad juju and shit" he says again

i get up and the boys part away from me, as i walk into the kitchen and set down my mug in the sink, i could hear multiple footsteps so before they reach the door i quickly grab a knife and one of these puppet things my mom brought for decor and start chanting in Spanish and some Latin i know.

i turn around not before putting ketchup on me and the doll and then i smile wickedly and point at taylor, who one of all the boys screamed which made me burst out laughing and break character

"OH MY GOD YOU- SHOULD - HAVE SEEN YOU'RE FACES!" I scream laughing, and grab the ketchup of my cheek and lick it of my finger

and i looked at the guys before whispering 'Boo' which they all screamed and actually ran instead of bumping into each other like before.

this is gold, and almost ironically stupid


Just a filter but y'all wait I got something up my sleeve

Don't forget to

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