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Brianna's P.O.V

Just another restless night, I was up all night think about what jack said and it just keeps replaying my mind

'But baby promises are meant to be broken'

I'd be lying if I said that didn't kind of pleased me because of his foolish attempts to make me want him again... pfft as if

"Mommy!!Mommy!!" I hear Dylan shout while laughing

"Mama!!Mamaa!!" I hear Hailey scream while laughing aswell

I wonder what's going on, as I get up to go find out why the kids are so happy which bring a huge grin to my face

"What's up my loves" I say walking into their room, only to find that jack is there tickling them and although I know how much of a dick he is, I can't help but to smile at the scene before me

"Mama! Help us!" Hailey shrieks

"I'm coming, I'm coming" I laugh as I tread over to help my poor babies

"Oh looks like I have another victim" jack says lowly

"Not today Satan!" I say before tackling jack away from the twin to which they start laughing at the sight, "run babies run!" I scream louder as jack flips me underneath him while I start to struggle trying to fight my way over again.

"Doesn't this position remind you of something?" Jack says raising an eyebrow

Those perfectly shaped eyebrows, damn I'm jealous.

"Ew, you perv!" I say and wiggle out of his grasp

"Don't act like you don't miss it Bri" he says looking into my eyes

Welp this just got a whole lot serious

"Keep trying to look me in the eyes, I'll probably have to poke yours out, I need you to understand that me and you? Never going to happen ever again. Thanks" I say walking away

Damn Brianna, you're a badass

"That's what you think!" He shouts from behind me

"No jack, that's what I know." I shout back before sticking my middle finger up behind my back to him

"God Brianna, we have young eyes watching you!" He screams dramatically

They aren't even in the room any more.

Relationship never really work when you have two kids, and almost instantly is a alert sign above your head when men try to approach you, it's like having two kids stop my dating life till it no longer even existed which in my opinion sucks because at this rate I'm going to be lonely forever.

"Hey, whatcha thinking about" a voice startling me says

I jump, "Jesus Christ, could you next time warn me Johnson, otherwise I would have sucker punched you right here, right now" I say, my hand on my heart trying to slow it down which obviously wasn't working

"So are we ever going to tell jack?" He says which really was one of the most dreadful thing that probably could come out of his mouth.

"Tell him what?" I try to play stupid

"Brianna, you know what." 

Now here comes the drama.

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