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(A/n - This Song is Lit Negl)

~ Jack ~

I Woke Up To Giggles and Screams, And My Head is Pounding and i feel like I've been run over 100 times. I slowly get up and rub my head, trying to sooth down the Pain Erupting In My Head.

Wait A Second...

Where The Fuck Am I?

"Hailey! Dylan!!Obtener aquí ahora!" Bri Screams, From When We Met, She Always Used To Speak Spanish When She Was Annoyed Or To Annoy People, even Just In General.

(Get Here Now)

"Viniendo mamá!" I hear Dylan Scream Back, Wait She Thought Him Some Spanish Too?

(Coming Mom)

I Get up From A Quite Comfortable Couch and Slowly Walk Upstairs, Going Towards Brianna's Room. I Open The Door To Be Met With Brianna Holding A Baseball Bat In her hand.

"Why, Do You Have A Baseball bat in your hand?!" I Say To Her Laughing

"Holy Shi-shitaki Mushrooms, I Thought you were some Killer or something" she says letting a huff of breath out and holding her hand on her chest.

"Well, Im not can you put the bat down now" i say while she lowers the bat and puts it under her bed.

"Eres un idiota, lo juro" She Says speaking Spanish, knowing in high school i failed Spanish.

(You're An Idiot, I swear)

"Brianna, i swear If you cussed at me in Spanish knowing i dont know what the hell you just said even though it sounding pretty hot" i say, honestly when Brianna speaks Spanish it is such a Turn on.

"Tal perra estúpida" She says walking downstairs With The Twins, Wait did she just call me a bitch and Stupid!

(Such a stupid bitch)

"um. I Am Not A Bitch And I Am Not Stupid!!" i Shout after her

"Don't Cuss!" She Shouts Back, I Start making my way down to the kitchen, which smells like pancakes

i take a seat next to hailey in-between her and Dylan.

"Mommy, I Want Nutella!!" Hailey Suddenly Shouts

"YES!" Dylan agrees

"Same!" I Say Laughing,"Here ill Help you" I Add On.

--- X x X

So Didn't Really go to plan, what Happened Was That We Ended Up Having A Food Fight With The Twins and after we Did Finish Getting the Nutella But We Didn't have any pancakes Left an also no mix since me and Bri Threw it everywhere.

"I Can't Believe We've Made So much Mess, Oh My Gosh" Bri Giggles

That Giggle Is Just...

Fucking Adorable.

"Well I can, So This Is The Game Plan, Okay guys, Dylan And Hailey Upstairs And Both get Ready to Have a Bath, Whist Me And Mommy Will Start the cleaning And Ill come up And I Give you a Bath, Okay?" I Say Instructing everyone

"Okay!" Everyone Agreed, Okay easier Than I Thought.

~ Brianna ~

After Everyone Spilt Up, Jack Did Help Until He Knew The Twins were needed.

Maybe He Would Be a better father than I thought.

I push the thought to the back of my mind and hook my phone To The Kitchen Speakers.

Perks of having a Spanish Mom Is That She Needs Her Spanish/Latina music.

I Put on T.L.C Scrub, I Mean it is A Classic and I just really Adore the song.

"I Don't Want No Scrub,
A Scrub is a guy that can't get no love from me,
Sitting in the passengers Side of His Best friends Ride Trying to Holla At Me,
No I Don't Want No Scr-" I Sing before Jumping in fright When I See Jack standing there Looking at Me Amused

"You Have An Amazing Voice Bri" He Gloats

"Thanks" I Mumble, Unsure If His joking or not

"I'm Dead Serious Bri, Your Incredible!" He Gloats Even More.

"thanks Jack, But Shouldn't You be Giving my Kids a bath?" I Say

"you Mean Our Kids, If it Weren't for My Banana Going into yo-" Jack starts Before you Interrupt Him

"Okay Okay!, Just Stop!" I Say Shaking My Head.


YASS I finally updated Ikr😂

But like YASS


Love Yall! 💕

Sincerely Your Cult Leader

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