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Brianna's P.O.V

"tell him? you're joking right?" i say to him, baffled

"yes, tell him. you can't keep this secret for too long!" Johnson says to me

he can't be serious, or is he?

i mean, telling something like this to Jack will only add to his ego and adding to his ego, is like a cellphone to a teenage girl, which lets be honest, can be either good or bad. Jack is a nice person but i don't think i'd ever tell him this because it'll ruin everything and i don't want things to be awkward and for our kids not to have their father in their life, since his already missed some of it already. My heart thumps aggressively at the thought of letting Johnson get through to me about telling jack. If i tell jack, i'll end up looking like a fool and that isn't something that i want to be or look like.

"Brianna, you need to tell him" he pleads

"if i tell him, i might as well jump off a cliff while i'm at it! i mean telling jack is like me basically confessing my sins and getting ready to go to hell!" i exclaim

"okay, who's going to hell?" Jack suddenly says, as he walks in

"oh well you see..gotta Nate!" Johnson says hurriedly as he dashes out of the room

"Johnson you-" i say before coming face to face with the one and only Jack Gilinsky.

"so, who is going to hell? because the last time, i checked i wasn't sinning" he says smirking slightly

so,his just going to smirk, that same smirk that i thought moved the globe around and made my knees weak.

what a fucking asshole.

"meh, could be you, could be anyone...who knows?" i retaliate

"you know, i'm trying and yet you still are the same towards me, god to think i was actually gaining back my feeling for you which never left by the way, it was always there. the feelings for you had me up at night and thinking about you had my heart racing even thinking back to our memories, are what make me get onto that stage when i don't feel like doing it, all because of you. you are always on my mind even when i don't want you to be. you're like a constant nightmare and a dream all in one. the horrible thing is that i know i love you but you probably don't feel the same and i don't blame you, i left you with our kids when i left for tour only thinking of myself and i'm truly sorry but i'm not running away from responsibility now nor ever. i love you and it sucks."


i have been gone for too long and i'm super sorry but ill try to update as much as i possibly can!

make sure to


Sincerely, your gangleader


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