Chapter 2: Forgive Me

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Song: 24 Frames by Jason Isbell

After Hermione was discharged from the hospital, she went straight to the apartment she shared with Ron to pack up her stuff. The thought of going back to a place filled with his stuff made her want to get sick but she had to do it.

When she entered the apartment she noticed it looked exactly how she left it that morning. The brunette started to pack up all her stuff in the bedroom she shared with Ron. Once she had everything packed she used a charm to minimize it and put it in her purse.

She looked around the small apartment. After she finished her eighth year at Hogwarts she moved in here with Ron. Back then she was in love with him, well at least she thought she was. Now the apartment doesn't even feel like home anymore. Hermione let out a long and drawn out sigh and then left her old home forever.

Earlier that day she saw an advertisement for a muggle apartment a couple of blocks away. She decided to go check it out. As she walked down the street some paparazzi started to surround her.

"What happened between you and Ron?" Asked one of the reporters.

Hermione ignored him and kept on walking. Another reporter asked, "Did you and Ron end your relationship?"

Hermione turned around and looked the reporter straight in the eyes. "I broke up with Ron because he's the most arrogant, belligerent, laziest person I've ever met. He doesn't even know the definition of commitment. All he ever does is get drunk and hookup with random women. And I'm tired of putting up with it."

The reporter looked genuinely shocked, "You can write that down." Said Hermione as she stormed off.

She entered the lobby of the muggle apartment building and walked up to the man working behind the counter.

"I'm interested in viewing any available apartments here." Stated Hermione with a slight edge in her voice.

"Okay," Said the man behind the counter, his name tag read: Aldwin. He rummaged through some drawers attached to the desk and pulled out a ring of keys. "We have a vacancy upstairs, I can show you now if you like."

"That would be great."

She followed him to the elevator and made casual chit-chat with him all the way up. When the elevator stopped the two of them stepped out and made their way down the hallway. Aldwin stopped in front of apartment 24. He fiddled with the ring of keys for a minute, eventually, he found the one he was looking for. 

"Here it is," he said as he stuck the key in the door and turned the handle. 

When the door opened Hermione was impressed. There was hardwood floors, high ceilings, a big kitchen, and living room. As she walked further in she noticed that there was a beautiful view of the city from the balcony. Just by looking at it she could imagine all of the weekends she'll spend out there reading. On the far side of the apartment there was two bedrooms with an adjoining bathroom. 

"Oh, Aldwin, this is perfect." Said Hermione, honestly.

"It sure is," he replied, "Would like to take a look at the lease."

"Yes, that would be wonderful." 

Hermione and Aldwin made their way back downstairs and Hermione filled out a bunch of paperwork. She got so caught up in the moment she asked, "Is there any way I can move in today? I know that it normally isn't allowed, but I could really use a fresh start right now. I'm willing to put down a little bit more money to make it happen."

Aldwin paused for a moment, "Let me call the owner and I'll see what I can do."

After a couple of minutes of being on the phone, Aldwin finally had her answer, "He said that it'll be alright."

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