Chapter 31: Wedding Bells and Birthdays

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Song: Electric Love by Borns

"Suck in your gut," Said Ginny as she pulled up the zipper on the back of Hermione's bridesmaid dress. Pansy had asked Hermione to be one of her bridesmaids at the last minute, since one of the ones she already had couldn't come. Hermione was more than happy too, she felt honored.

Hermione took in a sharp intake of breath and Ginny managed to get the zipper up, "Dang, this thing is tight."

"You'll live," commented Ginny.

"I have no idea how I'm gonna get this thing off tonight." Said Hermione with a sigh.

Ginny casually mentions, "Isn't today also Draco's Birthday?"


Ginny wiggled her eyebrows, "I know someone who can help you take it off."

Hermione rolled her eyes and looked at her reflection in a full length mirror. She had invited Pansy and the other two bridesmaids to get ready at her place. Ginny was just helping out.

"Don't act like you don't want him to," Ginny paused, "Have you two done it yet?"

"Ginny...Really?" Asked Hermione as she attempted to put her hair in an elegant bun. She had already flat ironed it now all she has to do is style it.

"Well, have you?"

"Uhh, no." She continued to try to get her hair up but she just couldn't quite manage it.

"'Mione, let me help you," Ginny took Hermione's hair and put it into a low elegant bun. "You know the first time Harry and I had se-"

Hermione cut her off, "I do not want to know."

Ginny reflected back on the memory, "It was amazing."

Knock, knock, knock

"Come in," Hollered Hermione.

The door slowly opened and Pansy walked in wearing her wedding dress. She looked absolutely gorgeous in her floor length gown. Slytherin green accented the back of the dress and the train. Blaise sure is one lucky guy.

"Oh Merlin, Pansy you look amazing," Said Hermione.

A sheepish smile spread across her face, "Thanks."

"Go ahead girl," started Ginny, "give it a twirl." 

Pansy spun around in her dress, when she came to a stand still she spoke, "Daphne and Kathleen are ready to go whenever you are."

Daphne Greengrass was in the same year as Pansy and was one of her fellow Slytherins. Kathleen Conley works with Pansy, she's from America. Hermione enjoyed listening to her talk, it's just so different.

Hermione glanced over at Ginny to make sure she was ready, "We're ready." 

All five of them gathered in the the sitting room and apparated to the place the wedding was going to be held. The venue Pansy had picked was absolutely breathtaking, no wonder they had limited space. The altar was right right in front of a vast pond that had healthy green wild life growing all around it. Even the chairs had little green bows on them. It was truly a Slytherin wedding.

Upon arriving to the venue Pansy quickly whisked the bridesmaids plus Ginny into a private tent where they could hide out until it was time for the ceremony to start. There was some plush chairs to sit on and a mirror so they could touch up on their make up. 

"How does it feel to be future Mrs. Pansy Zabini?" Asks Daphne eagerly as she plopped down in one of the chairs.

"It's a captivating experience I just can't wait to finally begin." She answered, taking in her surroundings. Gracefully she sat down in the chair behind her, she didn't want to wrinkle her dress. "I'm getting married today." 

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