Chapter 15: The Ball

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Song: Stand By Me by Ben E. King

Hermione woke up like it was any other normal day, but it wasn't. It was the fifth anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts. She lost a lot of people she cared about that night, Tonks, Remus Lupin, Fred Weasley, even her old potions teacher Professor Severus Snape. It even made her think of Ron, they kissed for the first time that day.

She didn't have to go to work that day, since it was the Anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts. The wizarding community just stayed home and remembered their fallen friends. Hermione and Luna made pancakes for breakfast and Ginny came over so they all could get ready for the ball together. It was Ginny's idea.

"Do you have any orange juice?" Asked Ginny as she poked around in her friends refrigerator.

"Yeah," Said Hermione as she took some plates out of the cabinet, "It's towards the back of the fridge."

"Found it... wait this has pulp," Complained Ginny.

"We have milk," Offered Luna.

"Hold on a second," Said Ginny before she apparated away.

Hermione shook her head, "I can't believe her."

A second later Ginny apparated back into the apartment with a quart of pulp free orange juice, "What? A girl needs her vitamin D."

"I thought Harry fulfilled that," Commented Luna.

Hermione and Ginny's heads snapped towards their innocent friend, "What?"

"Yeah... I know all about that kind of stuff. Theo and I ha-"

Ginny and Hermione stopped Luna.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa...whoa," Said Ginny

Hermione put her face in her hands, "I. don't. want. to. know."

"I didn't know you two are together, together," said Ginny.

"We aren't... well not technically... we're just really close friends... friends with benefits," Justified Luna.

"I could've gone without knowing that," Commented Hermione, "What happens in your bedroom, should really stay in there."

"Like when Malfoy slept in there," Reminded Luna. "What happens in my room stays in my room, right?"

Ginny nearly choked on her pancake. She managed to get it down, "What?"

"Malfoy spent one night last week... he slept in Luna's room... by himself," Said Hermione, she knew she was about to hear it from Ginny.

"Why didn't you tell me about this?! Wait, why did he spend the night?" Asked Ginny quickly.

"Well," started Hermione, "Ron showed up at my door stop earlier that day drunk. He tried to force himself on me, I yelled for help and Malfoy heard form his apartment. The next thing I know we were eating dinner at his place with Blaise and Pansy. Then he asked me if I wanted him to spend the night in case Ron showed up again. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to keep Ron away single handedly, so I agreed."

Ginny just shook her head, "Ron's such a git... Why did you need Malfoy over here to protect you, you're an Auror. You can take Ron down with one hand tied behind your back."

Hermione just looked down at her food, and tried not to make eye contact with Ginny.

"Unless," Said Ginny with a grin, "You wanted him over here."

Hermione slowly put her fork down on her plate and gave Ginny a look.

"You did want him over here!" Shouted Ginny, "I knew it!"

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