Chapter 9: Babysitting

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Song: Stuck In The Middle With You by Stealers Wheel

The air conditioner cooled down the apartment, on one hot Sunday afternoon. Hermione had an appreciation for the muggle invention, so did Draco even though he wouldn't admit it. He seemed to be spending a lot of time with Hermione and she didn't push him away. Blaise and Pansy thought that they like each others company.

The door to the balcony snapped shut and Draco stepped in, "It's hotter than the devils' hands out there."

"Do you think I don't already know that? We've been watching the forecast all morning." Said Hermione as she took another sip of her lemonade.

"I don't trust muggle weather-watchers." Commented Draco.

"For the millionth time Malfoy its weatherman."

"Same difference, Granger," Muttered Draco as he sprawled out on the couch.

"How graceful," Commented Hermione on Dracos' sitting position he was laying face first into the couch and one of his legs was dangling off.

"Shut up, Granger."

"Make me," Teased Hermione.

"I don't have the energy today, Granger."

"Do you end every sentence with 'Granger?'" Observed Hermione.

"Only when I'm talking to you... Granger." Draco looked up from the pillow and smirked at the last part.

A few minutes went by while the two former enemies enjoyed the air conditioning, during a massive heat wave. A knock at the door interrupted the silence, neither of them moved. Hermione eventually got up and answered the door.

It was Harry, Ginny, and Teddy.

Ginny was the one to talk first, "Can you do us a huuuuge favor?"

"Sure," Said Hermione a little unsure of what she just agreed to.

"I told Andromeda I would watch Teddy, but I forgot that Ginny and I promised Molly we would come to the burrow tonight." Said Harry fastly, "And we're already ten minutes late."

Hermione, being the nice person that she is, agreed to babysit Teddy for the night, "Of course I will, you can pick him up whenever you want to."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, Hermione." Thanked Ginny.

"No problem," Said Hermione as she let Teddy into her apartment.

"Dwaco!" Squealed Teddy as he ran towards his favorite cousin.

"What did he just say?" Asked Harry in a strangely calm voice. The raven haired man stepped in to the apartment and saw his God son sitting in his archenemies' lap.

"Oh Merlin, what is he doing here?" Asked Harry as he gestured towards Draco, "Are you two best friends now? Every where you are he is too."

"Do you have a problem with me being here?" Asked Draco, he sat up on the couch with Teddy in his lap.

"As a matter of fact... I do."Answered Harry.

As if on cue Teddys' hair turned platinum blonde and his eyes turned grey like Dracos'.

"Okay, I'm out of here... I've seen enough." Said Harry as he walked towards the door.

Ginny gave Hermione and Draco an appraising look, she whispered in Hermione's ear, "Is there something going on between you two? You and Draco?"

"Hell no," Replied Hermione instantly, she looked absolutely appalled.

"Okay, okay... calm down 'mione it was just a question." Reassured Ginny.

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