Because, I Don't Want To Lose You.

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"(Y/N!)" Yelled Neji.

"Wha-what?" Says (y/n) wiping her eyes.

"We're needed at the Hokage's Office now." Says Neji.

"What, really? Okay, let me get changed." Says (y/n) as she gets out of Neji's bed and gets dressed in her room. As soon as they both got dressed, they ate a quick breakfast and left.

*Time Skip*

"I need you two to deliver a package to The Land Of Rivers." Says Lady Tsunade.

"Okay." Says Neji as Lady Tsunade hands him the package.

"Who are we giving it to?" Asks (y/n).

"Their will be a man at the main entrance standing there waiting for you." Says Lady Tsunade. You and Neji walk out the Hokage's Office, then walked through Konoha, and went through the entrance of The Hidden Leaf Village. You and Neji walked through the woods until sunset.

"We should set up at camp here." Suggests Neji.

"Okay." You say as you set down your backpack and sit next to it.

"I'll get a fire started and cook something." Says Neji as he tries and gets a fire started. Neji finally got a fire started after three attempts. He got something cooking on the fire, you guys ate it, and when you finished you guys went to bed.

*Time Skip*

You had awoken seeing the sunset. You realized that you could wake up Neji first this time.

"Hey Neji-Kun, get up." You say nudging him as he starts to mumble something.

"(Y/n)-Chan..........your hair..........smells nice." Mumbles Neji. You start to blush. Neji mumbles some more stuff.

"(Y/n), you're..............cute." Mumbles Neji. You blush more and decide to wake him up before you look like a tomato.

"Neji-Kun, wake up!" You yell as Neji pops up awaken from your yell.

"Oh, eh, sorry." Says Neji as he smiles at you. Neji and you start to get back on the road and you finally make it to The Land Of Rivers. Neji handed the package to the guy that was waiting at the entrance.

*Time Skip*

You and Neji we're walking home until suddenly random Shinobi ambush you. They surrounded you and Neji.

Then you heard Neji say, "Byakugon!" You pulled out a Kunai ready for battle. You could use your Kekkei Genkai but you haven't learned how to control it yet without hurting allies. You're Kekkei Genkai was Boil Release. You and Neji fought them off until you both had one opponent left. You didn't pay much attention to Neji. You were about to strike your opponent until you tripped and fell backwards. Your opponent took that to his advantage and tried to strike at you. You flinched and closed your eyes. You heard that your opponent's Kunai went through something but you didn't feel any pain. You opened your eyes and saw that Neji let the Kunai pierce through his right arm. Neji knocked out the opponent and quickly took out the Kunai and threw it on the ground.

"Neji.........-Kun, why did you save me?" You say with tears streaming down your face. Neji helped you up and you were two to three feet away from his face.

"Because, I don't want to lose you." Says Neji as he hugs you.

"Neji-Kun." You say softly tearing a little.

"It's okay, (Y/ n)-Chan." Says Neji patting your back with reassurance. "It's okay."

Before I Lost Him (Neji x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now