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*The Next day*

You awaken to see a bouquet of flowers on the desk next to your hospital again. You look at the flowers to see a note. 

It said:

Get Well! ~ Kiba

You take one flower and smell it.

"Lovely." You thought to yourself. Then a nurse comes in and tells you that you can leave if you wish so. You nod and get out of bed. You were limping a bit so the nurse gave you crutches. You pick up the bouquet of flowers and walk out the hospital on crutches. You decided to go to Ramen Ichiraku, since mostly everyone will be there, everyone but Neji.......

*Time Skip*

What you saw before you were happy joyful friends. No one had noticed you yet. You walked up behind Kiba and hug him. Everyone looks behind Kiba and were stunned to see you out already. 

"Hey who's behind me? What are you guys looking at?" Asks Kiba. Then he notices the bouquet of flowers in your hand. "(y/n)?" You smile and sit next to Kiba.

"(y/n)! You buttface! What were you thinking out there!?" Yells Naruto frantically. You look at Naruto with a 'Seriously?' look. Naruto was waiting for an answer. You give him a face and point at your throat. "Oh yeah, I forgot, you can't talk, your vocals were damaged!" You face-palm yourself.

"Naruto, you're an idiot." Says a familiar voice. You turn to see Sasuke. You stare at him wonderin why he's here. 

"Don't worry (y/n), Sasuke's with us now, I guess." Mumbles Shikamaru. You nod. You nudge Kiba. 

"What?" Says Kiba. You point to the menu. "You want me to order for you?" You nod yes. "Uh...what do you want?" You point to his bowl of pork ramen. "Okay." Kiba orders for you and even pays for you. You glare at him. "What? Do you have money on you right now?" You look away. "Eat your ramen." 

"Hahaha." Laughs Naruto. You and Kiba look at him. 

"What?" Asks Kiba. 

"S-Sorry, it's just, I think it's funny how Kiba sounds like he's talking to himself." Laughs Naruto. 

"Shut up idiot." Mumbles Kiba. You turn away. "Hey! Are you going to eat the ramen a bought you?" You stay turned away still in protest. "Fine, then I'll feed you myself." Kiba picks up your chopsticks, picks up some noodles, and puts it in front of your mouth. "Say aaaah." You look at the noodles and eat them. Then you realized something, Neji did the same to you once. You choke on the noodles after stunning yourself by remembering something that happened so long ago. You were coughing up a storm holding your throat. 

"Here!" Says Kiba frantically as he hands you his glass of water. You take it and drink half of it. You set it on the table.

"Gosh Kiba, you didn't have to kill her." Mumbles Choji. 

"Yeah Kiba, she probably doesn't trust you to feed her now." Chuckles Naruto.

"Oh yeah!" Yells Kiba glaring at Naruto, then he looks at you. "Can I feed you the whole bowl of ramen?" You were shocked at Kiba's question, you could feel your face burning up. You nod shyly. Kiba then started feeding you himself. You had a slight blush on your face the whole time. When Kiba finished feeding you, Naruto was chuckling. 

"What's so funny Naruto!? Is that all you can do to make you feel better about how I prved you wrong!?" Says Kiba. 

"Hah, it's like you were (y/n)'s date! Do you like her?" Asks Naruto. Everyone looks at Kiba. Kiba is as red as a tomato. 

"D*mn you Naruto!" Yells Kiba. You get up and begin to walk home. "Hey ! (y/n)! Let me walk you home!" Kiba catches up to you and stands by your side. "You don't believe what Naruto says right?" You smile a little and nod no. "Whew, good, but I mean good as in a good way not a bad way. Okay?" You nod yes. Kiba drops you at your house and leaves. You walk up stairs and see Hinata crying a little as you peek in her room. You walk in surprising her. You give her a hug and go to Neji's room to lay in his bed. You lay there and imagine as if Neji was with you right now. You smile and go to sleep.

Before I Lost Him (Neji x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now