Chapter one

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I woke up because of a loud sound. My eyes flew open, my body suddenly alert for any danger that might be near. I know, I should get use to loud banging sounds, but this one was different. The sound was louder, closer. All the sleepiness drowned from my face as I ran to my closet to get my gun. Skipping down the stairs, I pushed open the door only to be greeted by my parents and younger sister.

"There she is! Oh and you managed to remember your gun!" my dad greeted me as he slightly patted my back. I only frowned at him, what the hell.

"What's happening?" I asked, not daring to let my guard down. Rule number one here, you let your guard down and you're most likely dead. Cause you can get attacked anytime, anywhere.

"Don't worry sweetheart, 'some things' got close to our boundaries and the soldiers had to shoot them down" my mom explained and I can see clearly in her eyes that she wasn't panicking, None of them are.

"What?" I said breathless. "What do you mean don't worry? May I point out that what you heard before were gunshots" We don't hear them everyday cause most likely the guards will kill them with knives or other quiet weapons since we're trying to save ammo.

"What happened?"  I asked in a whisper, as my dad sigh making me nervous.

"A horde of them managed to get close, the soldiers couldn't kill them with knives so they have to use guns" as he said that he avoided eye contact with me.

"Oh" I said as I lowered my gun.

"Did someone died?" I closed my eyes and waited for their answer.

"Yes"I sighed deeply, I should get used to the news that someone died today or someone got killed since that's what it's all about today. I looked up and realized that the gun fires stopped, silencing the whole village.

I sighed and went back inside, tucking my gun inside my belt and went to the kitchen to eat breakfast.

"What's that for?" my mom asked me.

"Uhh, Milk. You know for cereals" I said confused. My mom chuckled 

"Put that back inside, it's almost lunch see?" she said, pointing at the clock

Oh, I thought. I opened the refrigerator and placed the milk cart back and made my way upstairs.

"Lunch will be ready in a few minutes!" my mom shouted. When I reached my door I took a step back to examine my door.

It was replaced by a more sturdy wood and has several locks. It has a small square thing so I can shoot from it. 

I stared at it for a few more minutes before opening it. I glanced at my room.

It has several cabinets. The cabinet on the left holds all kinds of weapons. Like guns, knives, pistols, ax, bombs etc. On the other side of the room, the cabinet holds food and water. Different kinds of them, can goods, pouches of noodles, packs of instant foods, and hundreds of bottled water. 

I looked at the small door on the floor, it leads to our underground basement thingy. All of our rooms has these, so that if something goes terribly wrong, we could just pack our bags, take a look at your room and go down. There we'll all meet at the center of it and go to our big, gun proof and probably  zombie-proof van. My dad rebuild it himself and placed a kitchen and bathroom inside. 

I sighed and jumped into my soft bed, you may think this stuffs are awesome or cool and I'll admit it, they are. But they're like a wake up to reality as well. I looked at the clock, and saw that it was almost 12. I stood up and opened my window. I poked my head outside, the wind brushing past me.

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