Chapter Three

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I watch Emily as she cries at the side of the car. I sigh and went over to her, careful this time so that she won't kick me again.

"Emily" I sigh "It's okay, those weren't really kdnappers, they were just Nathan and the others"

 She sniffs and looks at me "B-but they have guns a-and they jump and a-attack you" she hiccups.

"Those were just toy guns" I said while patting her on the back she clearly hasn't seen the toy kingdom tag. I look over my shoulder and saw Nathan looking at Emily with concern written all over his eyes. I nod my head meaning for him to comfort Emily. He hesitates for a second but approached her anyway.

Once he was beside me he sighs and takes the place of my hands and gently pats Emily.

"E-Emily?" his voice cracked. He runs his hand through his hair "I'm sorry for scaring you,  we were just trying to help your sister"

I thought Emily will cry even more, but she slowly calms down. The car slowly halts into a stop in front of our house.

"Come on Em, we're here. I'll make it up to you I promise" and with that Emily stands up and Nathan carries her outside.

"I didn't see that coming" Matthew says behind me. I nod my head in agreement.

Once we enter my house, we were welcomed by the sweet smell of food. My mouth, no, our mouths instantly watered. My mom greeted us all and told us to take a seat.

"Where's Nathan and Emily?" I ask walking over to mom.

"They're upstairs, probably in Emily's room" she says while distributing the plates.

I made my way upstairs  and slowly peek at Emily's room.

"And that's why we did that" I heard Nathan's voice.

"But isn't she excited to leave the village?" Emily says.

"She's just scared for what harm you might encounter out there..." he pauses "or what thing you might encounter" and he stands up and kisses Emily's temple.

He closes the door and looks at me.

"I tried my best" he sighs still looking at the door.

"I know" I answered him. I can feel tears forming but I pushed them down. "Dinner's almost ready"

We made our way downstairs and gather around. We said our prayer before meal and started eating. I was overwhelmed by the delicious taste of roasted chicken. I small moan escaped my lips as I continue to dig through my food.

"We have frosted mango pudding" my mom said while smiling. Everybody hoorayed and continued eating. This is breaking my diet routine but I don't care. I'm about to lose everything I treasure. And besides, I'm about to get a serious diet routine once we're out there.

"You can bring it out now mom" I said with my full mouth. Everyone chuckled at my expression.

Mom placed the pudding at the center of the table. Even though I'm already full I still ate two servings of it. Once I'm really full I stretched out and stopped eating. 

"Is everyone finish?" my mom asked and we all groaned. 

"No... more.... space.." Matthew choked. I grinned and looked at Nathan. 

"Wanna make a dare?" I stretched out and grinned. He looks at me and smirked. He looks so cute when he does that.

"Sure" he said through his smirk. "If I could stand up" he added and we all laughed. Seriousness washed over when dad cleared his throat. My stomach twisted and turned and I lost the feeling of throwing up.

"About the trip" he stated slowly while looking at us, but he doesn't looks at me. I rolled my eyes at him slowly so he could see it.

"We uhh" mom tried to say it but she trails off. Nathan clears his throat. 

"You what?' he asks.

"Uhh...." I frowned 

"Damn it! You would just spit it out?!" I screamed. They all looked at me.

"We decided to move the trip" the second those words left his mouth my eyes widened with terror. Mae and Mica gasped while Matthew coughed loudly. I glanced at Nathan to see his eyes started to water. 

"But..." Mica tried to protest but my dad held his palm out.

"We'll be leaving tomorrow morning" he stated it wasn't a question but a mere statement. I shook my head.

"No" I said simply. My mom and dad looked at me, surprised.

"Cass.." my mom tried to soothe me but I cut her off.

"NO!" I screamed as I stand up. Everyone looked at me. "You said we'll be leaving in two days!" I whimpered.

"The sooner we leave the sooner-"

"The sooner we all fucking die!" I screamed at my dad who looks at me with pure anger.

"Do you think this situation is easy for us?" he says through gritted teeth. 

"Yes! It is easy!" I said with pure sarcasm. "In fact if you have said no to that stupid damn mayor we won't be in this situation either!" I said while shoving my hands in the air. 

"Cass" Nathan tried to reach and touch me but I slapped his hands away.

"I can't believe you would put us all in danger for some stupid hinch!" I screamed at my parents' face.

"Cass no matter what you say or do, our desicion is final" he says and starts to sit down slowly. "We'll be leaving tomorrow morning" he added. I shook my head as tears started to run down my face.

"Fuck your decision" I whispered and made my way to the stairs. I can hear Nathan calling me but I don't care. I shut my bedroom door and jumped to bed. I cried loudly into my pillow. I slowly started to calm when I heard my door close.

I gentle hand pulls me away from my now soaked pillow and into someone's warm chest. He pats my back slowly, trying to soothe me down. He slowly pulls away and wipes the remaining tears away from my face.

He looks at me and for a moment I feel lost in his deep emerald green eyes.

"Don't worry, I'll find you" he whispers.

"No" I protested but he ignores it and cups my cheek into his hands.

He kisses my forehead.

"I promise"

 Hi guyyss!!! :) So I haven't been able to update because of projects and exams. And what do you think about this chapter??? =)) Comment and vote and please don't forget to follow me!

And I also know that there aren't any action scenes here like you all have imagined but once they're out of the safety of their barriers the action will kick in.... I can promise you that.

God Bless you all! :)))

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