Chapter Nine

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Okay so I will try and update more. Please note the word WILL TRY. :))


I shook my head at the thought of that, instead I readied my gun and hunting knife.

"Get ready to fight Em" I stated. 

"Fight?! Wha- Have you completely lost it?! We can't fight more than thirty zombies with two hunnting knives and a few guns!"

"You have another plan?" I asked, pulling out my gun. She mumbled a quiet no.

"Look, sooner or later they're gonna get in. Our best chance is to at least try and fight them."

"But what if we die? Then we'll never complete our mission, and we'll never get to save our parents" she said. I looked at her and hold her shoulder.

"At least we died trying" She looks at me and nodded. I smiled at her and began shooting the dead. I mean why wait for the to break in? Once the glass broke they began piling in. Emily and I charged forward and began killing them. I shoot two zombies right in the head and stabbed an elderly woman who's about to bite my foot. I shot three more zombies but on the fourth click nothing. I gasped and threw the gun at the zombie and it collided with its head. I turn to check on Emily.

I gasped "Emily!" I screamed then threw my knife at the little girl who's about to bite her. Okay let me tell you that that knife was my last one. Yup and I threw it across and it got stuck on a childs' head. Well seeing that I am now gunless, and weaponless, I guess I have to use my karate skills. Yup good thing I studied self defense for a few years. I kicked an old man and its head went flying away. I turn my attention to my left and punched a zombie that looks like it used to be a military soldier.

As I punched it my hand got stuck in its head and I can't pull it out. I grunted as I tried to pry my hand free. I gasped and doged an incoming bite from a zombie in her thirties. The zombie which has my hand stuck in its head slowly dropped pulling me with it. I dropped to the ground and watch as the dead pile into me. 

The last thing I heard before I blacked out was a gunshot.

"Mom!" I screamed then everything went black.


Ouch! My head. Hmm is this the feeling of turning into a mindless monster? Strange, I feel fine, well except for my throbbing head and aching muscles, everything seems to be fine. I slowly opened my eyes. I'm at some sort of, room. I slowly moved, then I remembered something.

"Emily!" I said jumping out of bed. Which was a little too fast so I got a little dizzy and hold the wall for support. 

"Ugh, Emily? Are you here?" I asked now that my vision has cleared I looked at my self. I'm covered in scars and my left arm has a long bandage. I ignored the pain and opened the door. I peeked outside and saw that the cost is clear. I went to the living room and heard a noise. I almost jumped a mile high. I slowly entered the living room and positioned myself at my self defense mode. I jumped and stopped at the same time. Sitting their at the couch eating was, Emily.

"Cass! You're okay!" She said getting off the couch and hugged me ever so tightly.

"What happened?" I asked as I stumbled back. 

She opened her mouth respond but she looked behind me. I reacted quickly and threw a punch at who, or whatever it is approaching us. Instead of hitting something squishy, I was met by a strong, familiar hand. It blocked my punch and its touch sent shivers to me. 

"You've grown stronger" That voice! Shit that voice! Tears started falling down without permission. I opened my mouth to say something but no sound was made. 

"I missed you Cass" I suddenly found my voice.

"Nathan" I pulled him into a big hug and inhaled his scent. I cried into his neck and held him tighter. I heard him chuckle and he slowly pulled out of the hug.

"Sorry" I stumbled back and tried to dry my tears. I saw him smirk and he pulled me into a big hug again. 

"Ehem" I heard Emily clear her throat and I broke away and look at her. She's looking at the ceiling. "Oh dear! I'm so sorry did I disturb you?" she said and immitated an innocent voice.

"You know, you don't sound so innocent" I said, she rolled her eyes.

"Do you wanna know what to happened?" I turned my attention to Nathan.

"Uhm hello! The person who asked you the question is right here!" 

Nathan chuckled "It can wait I have to show her something" And she grabbed my hand and he led me upstairs to the room which I woke up to. I can hear Emily screaming for us to come back down but Nathan didn't listen to her. He closed the door.

"Well?" I asked breaking the silence. Me and Nathan was sitting here in NOT so comfortable silence for like ten minutes now. He chuckled and made his way towards me. My heart quickened immediately and I swear I shouted at it to slow down its fast beating. He sat beside me and looked me in the eye.

"Do you still remember that promise I made?" He randomly asks.

Of course I still remember it. He promised that.... he... will... find me!

My eyes widen and I nodded and mumbled a quiet yes.

"I'm sorry it took so long" He whispered. I looked him right into his beautiful mesmorizing eyes. I can see the pain and sadness in his eyes. I can feel my eyes burning, tears threatening to escape. He cleared his throat and stood up.

"Hey, I got something for you" He smiled and took my hand. He led me to the window. "Ta dah!" He beamed. I almost burst into tears when I saw it.

"H-how did you-"

"I found it. It was deserted and I never got any sleep from that day on. Because my mind kept wandering to your family, and.. to you" I blushed when he said that. I cleared my throat. Okay this is getting awkward.

"How did you find us then?" I asked trying to change the subject. He noticed it but didn't say anything.

"I was getting more ammos when I heard screaming and moaning. I decided to check it out and found you being pinned down by three zombies. Then you black out and woke up here. You went to the living room and threw a pun-" 

"Okay! I get it" I laughed. This is what I love about Nathan. Other than he is extremely attractive he also has this "special" power to make you laugh at difficult times.

He let out a loud laugh "Come here" I said and embraced me. 

"I missed you Cass" he whispered to me.

"I missed you too" I whispered back.

I smiled at his back.

I never felt so happy.

Thank you Nathan.

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