Chapter Two

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As soon as the gunshots enter my ears, my whole body tenses. I pulled out my katana and looked everywhere. The gunshots didn't stop, but the moanings decreased. My mother grabbed my arm and slowly pulled me into the van. Getting into the van, I still didn't take my eyes off of the place where the gunshots happened. As we drove nobody dared to make a sound, only our steady breathing can be heard.

Once we reach our destination, the grocery we split out. I'm coming with mom to the grocery store while my sister and dad go to the gun store to get some more weapons and ammos. I still don't think Emily is old enough to see those, but who cares we're in the middle of an apocalypse. She'll get use to it.

The second I enter the grocery store my eyes wandered of. I always like going to the grocery store with mom. My mom pulls a cart and I'm off. First I went to the chocolate section and grabbed two bars of Hersheys and one pack of Mars I love chocolates! When I returned mom was at the canned goods section. She stared at me while holding a can of Vienna Sausage.

"We only need necessary things dear" she says without looking at me.

"What? Chocolates are necessary" I said while putting them inside the cart.

My mom sighs "Put them back"

"But mom!" I whined

"Cass, you can't survive out there by eating chocolates. The calories in it will just slow you down" she simply stated.

"I sighed I turned to look at her and look at the pack of Mars. "Just one!" I said smiling as I placed the pack of Mars inside the cart and ran away to the next aisle.

I went to the toiletry station and grabbed 2 packs of tissue rolls, six boxes of toothpaste, and some bottles of mouthwash. I went over to mom and dropped everything.

"Hmm, we're running low on medical supplies, would you mind?" she asks while examining the things I dropped.

Nodding, I head over to the medical part of the store and grabbed six large boxes of band aids, some alcohols and antiseptic cream. I also grab some cottons balls and other things that we might  need. While making my way back, I passed the make-up corner. I don't precisely wear make-up, but I grab a box of powder. When I dropped the things inside the cart I made my way to the body care station. I grabbed three large bottles of shampoo along with conditioner, and several bars of anti-bacterial soap.

When we're done our cart was overflowing with food and things for survival. The girl on the cashier gave us a questionable look, but when my mom showed a gold card the lady nodded and told us that we can go.

"Goodluck" the lady whispered as we pass by her side.

"So all of this is free?" I asked my mom.

"Yup" she said while calling dad.

I groaned "Ugh! I should have gotten more stuffs" 

Once my dad arrives Emilly was fast asleep inside the car. I rolled my eyes as I took a seat beside her.

"Soooo, what weapons did you got dad?" I ask because I can no longer contain the dead silence in this car.

"All kinds" my dad simply answered.

"Hmm, if we won't have any distractions we might hit the road ahead of our schedule" my mom said as she looks down her list.

Distractions! Where on mother Earth is Nathan?! I angrily asked myself Ohhhh!!! If Nathan doesn't do something to distract this bloody trip, I swear I will..... I was brought back to reality when I heard someone scream. I look out of the window to find a black SUV in front of us

"OPEN THIS DOOR!" a man screamed while banging on the door. Emily was now wide awake and terror filled her eyes as she stare at the door. I hesitated opening it.

"OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!" and with that I swiftly open the door. I was thrown by a man, no a boy? With a deadly looking riffle in his hands. I was about to scream when I noticed a paper attached to the gun.

Toy Kingdom...... My face grew red once I realized that it was Nathan and the others. Nathan realizes that too, and tries to act like it didn't happen.

Woah I didn't see this coming, literally. I just hope mom and dad wouldn't see the tag.

"Uhh you!" he said more like screamed "Put your hands up!" he said as he pointed his gun at my chest. I obediently obeyed his order and slowly put my hands up.

"You there!" he booms at Emily and Emily nearly jumped as she comes face to face with him. 

"Please don't hurt me!" Emily howls so loud that I need to cover my eyes and shut my eyes. I opened my eyes and looked at Nathan, he looks uncomfortable. Of course he hates seeing children cry, especially Emily.

'Get in the car!" he screams at her but there's a small guilt inside his voice.

"And you!" he says to me "Get to the car!"

Once I get to their car the others wrestled and toppling over me so I can't breath.

"Cass!" Emily screams in fear as she watches me getting strangled.

Nathan closes the door and jumps into the drivers seat. When he was about to step on the gas, my parents honk their horn at us, signaling us to open our window. Nathan opens his window to say something but was cut of by mom.

"Alright Cass you can ride with Nathan on your way back home." my mom says, calm. My mouth drops as she says that. It didn't work! Mica and I just stare at Nathan while he tries to remain calm.


"Don't do anything stupid okay? Oh and Nathan honey, we're gonna have a little talk when you all arrive" my mom finishes and drives away.

I just stare at the car as it vanishes from sight.

"Well that went well" Matthew said as he climbs off me.

"Well plan A didn't work out as we expeted it to" Mica says while helping me back to my feet.

"Guess we'll have to proceed to planB, right Nathan?" Mae asks with her cheery voice. I just stare at Nathan as he slowly nods

"I can't believe that didn't work, I mean we had everything planned out. Even the costumes" he says gesturing towards the others.

"But you forgot your Toy Kingdom gun tag" I said trying to contain my laughter "But I have to admit though, I fell for it and I was also touched-" I said trailing off. "You guys went all through this just for me, I- I don't know what to say" I said looking down at the so they wouldn't see me while I fight back the tears

"Hey how about you say our motto" Mica says. I wipe my eyes with the back of my hand and form a small smile.

"If hyper mode doesn't work proceed to crazy mode" and with that we all cheer, that is until I hear someone cry. I turn aroung to see Emily at the side of the van, holding her knees.

"Whoopss" Matthew says. I roll my eyes and started to run to Emily. The second I touch her skin she immediately screams and kicks me hard on my chest and sends me flying on the opposite diretion.

"Oww!" I said while rubbing my head. 

"You'll feel that in the morning" Nathan says as he kneels down beside me.

"You better calm her down before we get to your house" Mae says while looking at Emily.

"Nah! She'll stop" Matthew said.

I nod in agreement 

"So, what is plan B?"

And with that everyone became silent again.

HI guys! So here's chapter two..... and I won't be able to update my stories because Christmas vacation will already end on Tuesday X(.... But I'll try to update it on weekends or so.

Sooo, thanks for reading! Please leave a comment and please vote :)) And if you don't mind, please read my first story (Once Upon A TIME). Thanks again :) 

God Bless! <3

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