Chapter 20

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LEXI'S POV: "Colton, COLTON can you hear me, squeeze my hand if you can hear me." I said in a quick and worried tone. He ever so weakly squeezed back, "Ring the fucking ambulance now." I demanded to Anthony and he obeyed. He told the doctor this situation of course leaving out the part that he was the one that left him hospitalized. "It's okay Colton, the ambulance is on the way please hang in there." I begged as I squeezed his hand tight. Anthony was shocked, the shock overpowered him as he showed no pain to his bruised face and cut knuckles. We heard the sirens and everyone had to leave beside our little group. "Only one person is allowed to come to the hospital with us." The ambulance driver said as they blasted their way in. Without hesitation I replied with, "I'll go." I hopped into the ambulance and sat beside Colton who was now in a stretcher. "Why did you have to tell him Colton?" I said almost in tears as I look upon his fragile state. 

ANTHONY'S POV: I still feel angry, he kissed my girlfriend, he knows how much I'm in love with her and he deliberately goes behind my back and says it's because of New Years? Good thing Lexi came in became I would of kill that cunt. No you dare touch my girl or you have me to deal with. Right now I'm sitting in the kitchen looking at my bloodstained knuckles. I feel sad, not because i beat the shit out of Colton but the fact that Lexi left with him. I punched the brick wall and heard a knuckle break, I was to angry to care, it will come right eventually. "You need to stop drinking and go to sleep." Thomas warned me.  "Leave me the fuck alone, if i took out Colton then i definitely could take out you." I yelled. In away I was frightened of my own behaviour but to wired up to care. "We are all coming to sleep, okay you need to calm down." Thomas said briefly before rushing out the door. I can't sleep, i need to go out. I washed myself the blood off my knuckled then stormed out of the hall to the early dark morning breeze it's 4AM and still people are wandering drunk from parties. "Is that Anthony Ladao from Midnight Red?" I heard someone say from behind me. I turned around and a couple of girls approached me. "You two shouldn't be by yourselves at this time of night." I said to them. They simply ignored the comment and asked for a picture. "I'm sorry girls i'm just not in the mood." I said hoping they will get the point. They nodded and i apologize and carried on my journey to no where.

ERIC'S POV: "What happened to you?" I asked Sapphire."Lexi punched me." She whined. "Why?" I asked. "I saw Colton and Lexi." "What happened between them?" I asked. "They kissed." "Oh bullshit Sapphire, Colton kissed her." Melanie said as she walked over.  "This isn't our drama it's in between Colton, Anthony and Lexi. Now you both shut the fuck up and don't speak about this again." I said through gritted teeth. I hate drama so why makes it worse? "I'm going to get a towel to clean you up and Melanie go to bed, Thomas is already there." I demanded. Melanie just stormed off without another word. 

COLTON'S POV: I heard noises all around me but I haven't got the strength to speak or open my eyes. I felt pricks and pokes and another things touching me but i didn't have the energy to move them away but i felt a warm presence lingering on my hand just like someone is holding it tightly. I heard a voice ever so gently. "Wake up Colton please." The voice was choked, struggled to spoke. I knew right then I had to wake up, so with all the strength i have saved up I pushed myself to open my eyes. "Colton, Colton please open your eyes." The voice was worried and the presences moved from my hand to above me. I broke free to be invited into pure white, giving my eyes time to adjust the light turned dull and i heard the beeps of the machines. I looked down to see Lexi crying on my chest. "Lexi." I spoke softly.Her head shot up in a instant, "Oh thank god." She said in relief. "What happened?" I asked. "Tell me what you can remember first." She said. "I remember getting to the party and drinking a fair bit, then you wanted me to help you find Anthony, i guess I blanked out after that." I heard a gasp from Lexi. "What did i do?" I asked. "You're in hospital because Anthony beat you up." I felt sad and shocked. "Why?" I asked shocked. "You kissed me." I sat in shock. If i wasn't drunk i would of found another way. Another way to confess my feelings towards her. I'm kind of falling for Anthony's girl. "So why are you with me? Not with Anthony?" I asked. "I'm partly the reason you are here and at the moment i don't give a fuck about Anthony, i wanted to make sure you are okay."  

ANTHONY'S POV: I decided after walking around for hours to head back to the hall, i'm sure everyone would like to know what happened, that's if they haven't figured out for themselves. I walked back as the sun was rising in the early morning sky.I looked down at my phone and found out it was 6AM! After another hour I was finally back at the hall, I decided to clean up because I can't sleep just thinking about everything, about Lexi and Colton. Why would Colton kiss her? Why did Lexi leave with him? I felt sick just thinking about it all. I must of made a lot of noise because Eric walked in and started to help clean up, "Lexi punched Sapphire last night, I think she might of broke her nose." Eric said. "You punched someone, I punched someone, she punched someone. Sapphire must of done something to deserve it." I said rudely. "She told me she saw Colton and Lexi kissing." "No she saw Colton kissing her." I replied. "I'm going to go to the hospital, see ya."  Eric said.

ERIC'S POV: I walked through the hospital doors and asked where Colton was, the lady at the reception gave me his room number and what floor he was on. I quickly walked to an elevator and made my way towards his room. Once I was there, I noticed Lexi asleep on a chair next to his bed and Colton was awake but hasn't noticed i've walked in yet. "Hey mate." I said grabbing a chair on the opposite side of the bed. "Oh hey Eric." He said before rising up in his bed to face me. "Everyone is worried about you." I saw as I look upon his bruised face. "I'll be fine just a bit sore that's all." He said trying to pull a smile. "He got you good didn't he?" I said. Colton giggled a little, "remind me not to mess with him again or anything that belongs to him." His contact suddenly became on Lexi, obviously he was indirection that she belongs to Anthony. "Why did you kiss her? She's Anthony girl." I asked. "I like her and it's stupid because of that i'm here." He choked out. "Shh she's waking up I think." I said quickly as i noticed Lexi start to move. "Oh hey Eric." She said in a raspy morning voice. "Hey." I replied. "How was everyone after Colton and I had to go?" She asked. "Thomas tried to calm down Anthony but then Anthony threaten him as well so he backed off, Anthony stormed off and all the rest of us went to sleep, except for me and Sapphire i had to take care of her broken nose." I said to her, obviously sounding abit mad about the broken nose bit. "Do you know where he is now?" She asked. "Back at the hall." I replied. "Right." She said. We all sat in an awkward silent, no one knew what to say. "You both should leave, go get some rest I'll call later." Colton said in a tired voice. "C'mon Lexi i'll drive you home." I said. "Okay, i'll talk to you leter Colton." She said giving him a light hug. This car ride is going to be interesting. 

LEXI'S POV: "So why did you give Sapphire a broken nose?"  Eric asked. I knew he was going to ask this. I took a deep breathe and answered. "She said that she saw Colton and I kissing, i told her that he kissed me but she said different and I know she's your girlfriend and all but she is talking bullshit." I looked over at Eric and the look on his face was unreadable. "I believe you." He said. I was shocked in a way, I thought that he yelled at me. "Wow, um can we just head to the hall? I left some stuff there." I said quickly changing the subject. "Alright." He said. "What are you going to say if Anthony is there?"  He asked. "I honestly don't know."  A few minutes later we were at the hall, I opened the doors and saw everyone cleaning up. I walked straight passed not making eye contact with anyone i just want to grab my stuff and leave. I headed into the kitchen and grabbed my bags and turned around to be face to face with Anthony. "We really need to talk." He said. "Well not here, can you drive me home?"  I asked. He nodded and we walked out of the hall. We hopped into the car not saying a word until we got to my house. "So are you coming in with me?"  I asked. He nodded again and we both hopped out of the car. This talk will be interesting that's for sure. 


I'm sorry that this chapter is sucky :( I'll make the next chapter better, I promise <3

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