Chapter 13

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ANTHONY'S POV: I woke up with a thumping headache and with the feeling of needing to puke. I reached over to hug Lexi and remembered she isn't here, she's in Texas, I groaned and ran to the bathroom an puked. Once I had the strength to get up again I walked to my drawers to find water and panadol waiting for me. Oh god I hope I didn't do anything stupid, I started to get worried by the thoughts and felt queasy so i ran back to the bathroom. Today will be a horrible day.

LEXI'S POV: I woke up with my ears still ringing from the concert the night before, I ended up staying at Lucy's house and she is usually up and awake hours before me so no surprise she is absent from her room. I quickly brushed my bed hair and put it in a messy bun and grab make up remover so I no longer look like a panda because I forgot to take it off last night. I walked into Lucy's lounge and she had her eyes glued to her laptop, typical Lucy! But that used to be me, after school straight on the computer to stalk Midnight Red, well no need for that now! "The 5SOS boys followed us both of Twitter." She cheered. I ran towards her and stole her laptop and surely enough I had a follow from all the boys as well as the group account. "Oh my gosh." I cheered. We both got over our little fan girl moment when my phone started to ring. "Hello?" "Hey Lexi."  Eric's familiar voice said through the phone. "What's up?" I asked noticing his tone was different than it's usual chirpy self. "Anthony." Is all he said. "What happened?" I asked quite loud and quite worried. "He's fine, well not fine but he got drunk as fuck last night, he can't remember anything. All he did was complained about you being at a 5SOS concert." Eric said now with a calm tone to his voice. "Did he do anything stupid? I just knew he had a problem with me being at the concert." I asked annoyed that he would do something that stupid over me going to a fricking concert! "No he didn't do anything stupid he was just falling down heaps, didn't hurt anyone or cheats on you." He said stern but reassuring. I took a breathe in relief, I trust him enough not to cheat when sober but when you get so drunk you can't remember anything the next day, that's when you should worry. "Good." I replied. "I'm going to tell you something, I've learned this over through watching him with his previous relationships, he finds it hard to trust people, he doesn't trust anyone and it's plain to see. He gets anxious and angry seeing his girlfriend with other men so probably him knowing you were hanging out with 5SOS knowing that they're one of your favorite band and not being able to have an eye on you."  One Eric said that I kind of felt guilty, not because i did anything bad. because I didn't! But just the fact that i didn't know he had trust issues. "Is he able to speak to me?" I asked because I want to apologized. "Currently no he has gone back to sleep, but I will tell him to ring when he wakes up and feels a little better." Eric said. "Let's just hope he can sleep it off and thank you for telling me about it Eric, i'm going to go now. Bye." I hung up the phone and sat speechless. "Are you alright?" Lucy asked as she noticed by sudden change in mood. "Yeah I am just found out something shocking, that's all." I replied hoping she would drop the subject. "Pizza?" She asked. I just giggled and agree. Pizza makes everything better.

ERIC'S POV: "Yeah he's fine guys don't worry." I said to all the boys as i rung them one by one. They all were relieved and so am I. He got so drunk and it worried me, I never thought he would ever drink over something as simple as Lexi going to a concert. Today I will be going to hang out with my beautiful girl Sapphire, we haven't hung out in a few so i'm going to take her on a date. Shortly after Sapphire arrived looking beautiful in her summer red dress. "Hello babe." I said giving her a big hug and a long waited kiss. "So how's Anthony going without his teddy bear?" She asked in directing the teddy is Lexi. "Don't ask." I replied grabbing her hand as we walked out to the car. She gave me a confused look but just nodded. 

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