The One With The Sort Of Confession?

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It's been 10 minutes. 10 whole minutes of excruciating silence. Levi has been sat across the table with a fresh cup of black tea, eyes staring into my soul, for 10 damn minutes. I wanted him to say something or give me a sign that it was okay for me to say something but I got nothing. Nothing but silence and uncomfortable stares. He looked nervous which wasn't something I ever thought he would be. Nervous.

'You know Eren, First time I saw you I thought to myself damn this kid aint half bad looking.' Levi finally spoke, breaking the awkward silence and his heavy eye contact with me.

'Oh uh thank you?' I said back a little confused by his sudden compliment on my appearance.

'Would you let me finish? Damn brat.'

I simply nodded at Levi as a sign that it was okay for him to continue what he was about to say, my nerves settling in again.

'I wasn't going to let that get in the way of my professionalism or stop me from doing my job. You're still a shitty brat and that's never gonna change. but something has changed and i'm not quite sure what. Suddenly you don't feel like my boss to me anymore and you know i'm real shitty at explaining myself or things it's just not me.'

I kept my full attention and focus on Levi as he spoke ignoring the continuous mentions of me being a shitty brat. What was he trying to say? That he feels like we're more friends? That he feels like we're nothing?

'Eren I think I might have some feelings for you so I think it might be best if I leave for a while. My friend Petra said she'd be happy to let me stay for a while until I sort something out.' Levi said as he sipped from the warm tea in his cup, avoiding eye contact completely with me.

'Feelings? What kind of feelings, Levi? You can't just say that and not tell me what kind..'

'Oh jesus do I have to spell it out for you? I think I like you, Eren. Like as in crush as you college brats say.'

'Y-You like me..?'

'Jesus what's so hard to understand about that? Just forget we had this conversation. I'll pack my shit and be out of here in an hour.' Levi said as he stood up and headed towards his room.

No way. I was not letting this conversation end here. Who tells someone they think they like them and then bails? I guess Levi that's who. Typical.

'Now hold on a minute, you can't just say shit like that and then leave!' I half yelled as I stood up from my chair quickly and turned in the direction of Levi. 'You wanna tell me why you like me? what made you like me?'

'No Eren I don't. I told you, this conversation is over. I'm not gonna talk about it with you. Now let me pack so I can go.'

'Oh so that's it? You're gonna pack and just leave me here? Did you ever think that maybe I want you around? And not just because you make awesome dinners and do my laundry but because despite the name calling and the awful attempts at humour i've actually grown to like having you around. I like your company.'

'Oh give it a rest, Eren. No one ever wants me around. I'm insufferable. Why don't you go talk shit somewhere else hm?' Levi said back to me in an annoyed tone as he put some things into his suitcase.

'So that's it then? You're gonna be a dick about this and leave?'

'What the hell do you want me to do? Kiss you and tell you all the pretty things in the world to make you feel special? Aint gonna happen kid. Try again it's me we're talking about here. I forget about my own birthday so the chances of you getting your happy ending are a big fat zero.'

'I never said I wanted those things from you! Hell I never even said I wanted anything from you! There you go again with your assumptions. You know maybe you should add permanent asshole to the special skills section of your resume.'

Right now, I wasn't even sure what I wanted. Did I have feelings for Levi? Do I feel the same as he does? Who knows? I certainly don't but I wasn't about to let him leave. I truly meant what I said about enjoying his company. So yeah he is a bit of a judgemental asshole with awful jokes and that stupidly annoying smirk and those- oh god Eren you like him.

'Well Eren, You look like the guy who's after his fairy tail ending and I hate to break it to you, but that's not with me. You may reciprocate my feelings but that doesn't mean we're right for each other. Now move out of my way so I can leave before things get any worse.' Levi sighed as he put his suitcase on the floor and began to wheel it through the door of his room and towards the front door of the apartment.

'Please don't go..'

Levi turned back to look at me with his usual cold and I couldn't care less about your problems stare before avoiding eye contact again. He opened up the door and wheeled his suitcase into the hall, standing there for a solid moment. He turned to look at me again and stayed quiet.



And with that, the door to our apartment was closed and Levi was gone. I found myself on the floor, tears rolling down my cheeks as I had just let go of the best thing to happen to me in a long time. I didn't put up a good enough fight. I didn't do anything good to stop him. I just let him walk away and now i'm not even sure if he's going to come back.. 

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