The One With The Real Confession pt.2

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'You're w-what..?'

'Don't make me say it again, kid. I told you I was only gonna say it once.'

'You're falling in love with me? Like for real? You're not just saying that as a joke are you?'

'Do you really think it'd be that cruel?'

'Well, Yeah actually.'

'Oh well thank you. See this is why I should have just kept my mouth shut and said nothing.'

It just didn't seem to want to register with me at all. Levi was.. in love with me? Or falling..? It surprised me more than anything. Despite the fact he kissed me and yelled at me during our fight that he had feelings for me, I never actually expected him to be the falling in love type. He was so closed off and more often than not he was hard to read. I guess I had him marked wrong. There were about a million things buzzing around my mind right now but when I opened my mouth to speak, nothing but air came drifting out.

'Eren?' Levi asked as he looked at me, raising his eyebrows a little. 'You gonna say something or keep staring at me with that puzzled look?'

'S-Sorry.' I stuttered out, mentally cursing myself for acting like a fool. 'I'm just trying to comprehend the fact that you of all people, have feelings for me. Love feelings.'

'It makes it sound even gayer than it is when you use the term 'love feelings', Eren.'

I had about a million questions rumbling around in my mind now. There was so much I wanted to ask and to know but I just couldn't figure out how to put my thoughts into a coherent sentence.

'Well?' Levi asked me, standing with his arms folded across his chest as though he expected me to say something.

'Sorry.. I just really needed a minute.' I said calmly as I looked at him.

I knew for a solid fact that I loved him too. I had for a while and honestly, I figured i'd be the one to say it first and get myself rejected and heartbroken but here he was confessing his love to me. I took a deep breathe to fully compose myself and took a step closer to him.

'Levi, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have reacted the way I did at first. I can imagine how you must feel about telling me and I probably made you feel worse..' I started and looked at him, a serious expression on my face. 'I love you too. I have done for a while but I was afraid to tell you because well I didn't wanna be rejected..'

Levi had a slight smirk on his face now as he looked at me. It was a little unsettling if i'm being honest and it kind of made me feel more anxious than I already was about this situation. 

'You think I didn't already know?' Levi said to me, still smirking a little. 'You weren't exactly subtle, Eren and when I kissed you, you practically melted.' 

Okay now he was just making a little fun of me and being cocky as hell but honestly I was kind of glad for it. He was doing a spectacular job of lightening the heavy mood. There was something different in the air now and I couldn't quite pinpoint what it was. What now? What else do I say? All of my questions had suddenly disappeared as my mind was clouded with the conversation from the last 5 minutes. 

'you made me go through all of that just to say you knew?!' I huffed a little and folded my own arms across my chest. I was teasing him back and it felt good to be able to do it now and know that he wouldn't be mad about it. 

He didn't say anything in response to that he just nodded at me. I wanted to know his next move, what he was thinking right now. 

'Okay well it's time to get back to cleaning now.' He finally said as he picked up a brush from beside him. 

That was it? That was all we were going to say? We were going to act like nothing happened and go about our day as normal? 

I had an idea. I smiled to myself as I thought about it and hoped he hadn't noticed it. I decided it was time to get planning so I went to my room and locked the door so that I could prepare for my next big move. 

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