The One With The Grand Plan

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'Armin I need your help.'

I threw myself down onto his bed and stared longingly up at the cracked ceiling as I began to think. I had an idea but I was going to need help in executing my plan. I wanted to move things with me and Levi along a little further. I wanted to surprise him so now I had to explain everything to Armin.

'Okay so let me repeat.' Armin started as he shuffled his desk chair closer to the bed. 'You and Levi both have feelings for each other and confessed but since then, nothing has happened. So, you want to plan a dinner date for him but you need my help with the cooking and getting him out of the house to set it all up?'

'Yup. Exactly.' I nodded as I sat myself up a little to properly look at my best friend. 'But you know the extent of my cooking skills is toaster poptarts and microwave meals. Levi normally does the cooking.'

'Erwin is a good cook. You should ask him for an easy recipe!' He smiled fondly.

'Erwin? How would you kno- oh my god!' I exclaimed after putting two and two together. They had been a little cozy at my party.

'Shhh. Not now. Later.' Armin said trying to silence me but the scarlet on his cheeks only confirmed what I had been thinking.

'Fine but I really wanna know.' I huffed and folded my arms across my chest and pouted in a slightly cute manner.

Armin and I spent the better part of the afternoon discussing strategies and how we were going to pull this off. We decided that we would recruit Petra to distract him for a few hours since she was the only one who could really get Levi to do things. Armin said he would get an easy cooking recipe for some pasta from Erwin since I knew he liked that and we agreed that we wouldn't tell anyone else incase they tried to interfere with the mission.

I couldn't believe I was actually doing this. I had never considered myself much of a romantic. more of a dork who was never good at expressing his feelings to anyone. I guess we were over the awkward stage since we had both said I love you already but that didn't make it any easier.

The pasta recipe that Armin had procured from Erwin was exactly as he said, simple but delicious. If I do say so myself. I had made it in a good amount of time and managed to fit in a shower and a fresh change of clothes. I didn't normally care too much for my appearance but this was Levi and for whatever dumb reason I wanted to look good for him. As far as I knew, Petra had taken him to some super home store with aisles worth of cleaning products to browse. She claimed that she was looking for some cushions for her apartment and wanted his help in choosing some. If that wasn't a good distraction then my names not Eren.

Levi was supposed to be home in exactly an hour. Now was the time for me to start freaking out over this whole thing. I had set the table and lit some candles around it to make it a little more special. I dimmed the lights and made sure the pasta was okay before I sat myself down onto the couch, trying to calm my nerves. I had been in relationships before but none of them felt as serious as this did. I made effort for them too but something about Levi just made me want to do everything for him.

The hour passed by quickly and before I knew it, Levi was wandering into the apartment with bags full of cleaning products. He set them down as he closed the door and called out to me. I wandered out of the kitchen and offered him a smile before I attempted to talk to him.

'Hey Levi, how was shopping?' I asked trying to start a decent conversation.

'What is all this?' Levi asked, arms folded across his chest as he glanced at my set up.

I scratched at my head a little sheepishly. I was just hoping he wasnt mad about any of this because sometimes his emotions were very hard to read and unless he practically spelled it out I was unsure of how he felt.

'I uh made dinner.. I thought we could eat together you know.. as a date.' I said almost quietly, still trying to read the expression on his face.

'You made dinner?' He responded in almost shock.

'Uh yeah.. I got a good pasta recipe from a friend and decided to try it out.'

'So that's why Petra was so insistant on me going shopping with her. Needing new cushions my ass. Sneaky little brat.'

'So you're not mad?'

'Mad? Why would I be? It's about damn time you did some of the cooking around here!'

Thank god. Levi was okay with the whole thing. He sat down at the table and waited as I put the pasta onto plates and set it down infront of him before I too sat down in my own chair. I smiled softly as I looked over at him. He really was a sight to marvel at. I was never going to get over that smokey grey shade of his eyes. I know he didn't like it when I stare too much so I quickly divered my attention to my pasta.

'Well, eat up. Lets just hope I haven't accidentally poisoned us.' I laughed a little bit.

'Really not funny, Eren.' Levi replied and rolled his eyes at me.

Levi picked up his fork and carefully began to eat the pasta. I didn't want to stare but I was so nervous to find out his reaction but when he let out a satisfied hum I almost let out a sigh of relief from knowing that he wasn't disgusted by it.

We continued to eat dinner just enjoying each others company and the casual conversations that passed but what Levi did next was something I was definetly not expecting.

'Eren, I want to ask you something.'

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2020 ⏰

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