The One With The Show & The Awkward Goodbye

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Eren's P.O.V


It's Sunday which means that today is Levi's day off. He had already left to go see some friends for the day leaving me in the apartment alone. I was rushing around and getting things packed and organized for going out tonight. My band managed to score another big gig in Rose Bar in the middle of the city. Excited wouldn't be the right word to describe how I feel right now. It's been a while since we've played anywhere but we've been practicing like crazy to unveil a new song cover at the show. I quickly put on my jacket and made my way out to the bar to get set up for the show.

Reiner, Bertholtd and Jean were already waiting for me by the time I arrived and they each greeted me with their usual pleasent smiles except for Jean even though we've been friends for years he still acts like i'm the worlds biggest asshole. We all make our way backstage to change into our stage outfits, mine consisting of an extremely tight pair of black skinnies, a plain white t-shirt and my signature leather jacket.

'Yo Eren come on it's time to start the show.' Reiner calls to me from the door.

'Yeah okay give me a second!' I call back and mess up my hair a little before leaving the room and heading to join the rest of the band side stage before we have to start. We have about 5 minutes to prepare ourselfs for the show.

We all head out onto the stage earning cheers and shouts from the crowd which had gathered and I walked over to my mic stand and adjusted my mic to the right height and began to address the eager crowd.

'Hello Rose Bar! We are No Name and I hope you enjoy our show!' I yelled out earning more cheers from the crowd, a group of girls in the back cheering the loudest.


Levi's P.O.V

'Oh you should have seen him! He was full on rolling his hips in nothing but underwear and had no idea I was standing right there watching the whole thing.' I chuckled a little as I picked up my wine glass and took a sip from it. My freind Petra who was sitting at one side of me began to laugh, her ginger curls bouncing around as she did so.

'Well, why don't you give us a demonstration hm?' She laughed some more and looked at me. 'I'm sure it was really quite something.'

'Hell no. If you think i'm going to do that in here then you have another thing coming.' I replied and rolled my eyes at her. 'It was quite a sight. I mean there's no denying that the kid is attractive but he is my boss and i'm pretty sure he doesn't think of me like that.'

'Well, From things you've told me, i'm pretty sure he at least thinks like that a little about you. You underestimate your looks, Levi.'

'Oh shut up. If I was really that good looking i'd have a less shitty job.'

Some people began to shuffle out onto the stage and I suddenly remembred there was a band playing here tonight and I sighed to myself. Live music wasn't really my thing. I had just been hoping for a quiet drink with some friends.

'Hey are this band who are playing tonight any good?' I asked Petra who had focused her eyes on the stage.

'Oh yeah i've saw them before! They play in here at least twice a month and they're really good. Their frontman is a really cutie.' She gushed and giggled a little. Typical girl.

'Well then let's see just how good they are.'

The lights on the stage went dim and a tall boy with messy brown hair made his way to the mic and began to speak into it. My entire body froze when I recognised the familiar voice.

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