New Meat

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Chapter 1- This may end as a prequel to my other story. Disclaimer: I do not own any of this, except the plot stuff

We stand together at the net, holding hands. As soon as Max's silhouette is visible at the top of the hole, we release eachother. The initiates won't think that we are scary, if we are outwardly in love. The first initiate falls. A Dauntless born, by the name of Layla. We don't get a transfer until the third jumper. Her name is Amy, from Candor. The last one is a boy, named Justin. When I help him out, he smiles at me and says, "What's your name, babe?"

"Six." I reply stiffly.

"I like it." I gag and direct him off the platform. On his way down, he slaps my butt. I grab his hand, and pull it between his shoulder blades, until I hear a crackling noise. Justin screeches, and I let go.

"Your out. Factionless. Go now, before I shoot you." I tell him without emotion. The other initiates stare, scared.

"You can't do that!" He splutters.

"Yes, I can. I am a leader. Zeke, lead him out." He looks stunned, as Zeke roughly grabs him and drags him away. The other initiates stare, mouths open, as Four and I descend the platform.

"Now, I am Four and this is Six. We-" Tobias is cut off.

"Like the numbers?" Amy asks.

"You have just seen Six kick someone out. Do you really want to ask that?"

"No." She squeaks.

"Good," I pick up the speech."Four and I are both leaders. We were ranked first in out respective initiations and we are both considered Dauntless prodigies, with the two lowest numbers of fears." I stare around, challenging anyone to speak up. No one does.

"Follow us to the Pit." The initiates follow the pair of us. When they see it, many of them gasp. We lead them over to the Chasm.

"The Chasm reminds us that there is a fine line between bravery and idiocy. That line is this railing right here. One jump will end your life. It happens every year. You've been warned. I yell over the noise. Most of the initiates look pretty scared.

"Finally, the mess hall. We will show you the dorms later." Four and I sit down with our friends, far away from our initiates.

Later, after we showed them the dorms, Tobias and I go back to our apartment, and discuss the initiates.

Divergent No War:InitiationWhere stories live. Discover now