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Dinner was a solemn affair. Everyone knew that I was in a pissy mood and upset at loosing Tarragon.

"Hun, its fine. No one blames you for her choices." Tobias said, rubbing my back.

I gave him a grim smile. I was just determined not to loose one. At least she didn't jump. That would have sucked.

After dinner, I stand up and call the initiates to the dooms.

"Okay, everyone! You all know that Tarragon left earlier today. If anyone else feels the need to leave like a coward, I encourage you to do it now. If you wait, you may not be a whole person when you leave. Training will ony get harder from now on." I spin on my heel and stalk out, leaving them to think over my speech.

The next Day.

Yesterday was the last day of stage 1. We have the new rankings and I am pretty pleased.

1. Dana

2. Duncan

3. Jaki

4. Hannah

5. Amy

6. Basil

7. Tim

8. Jen

Jen is the only person to be cut, since Tarragon left and there were a few DBs that got cut, too. I'm pretty okay with how it all turned out. Now, just to see who has the mental guts.

We take the chalk board into the dorms and tell them that one person was cut. Everyone looks nervous even though most of them had pretty much no chance of getting cut.

We decide to draw it out just for fun.

"Dana. You are safe." Pause. "Duncan. Safe. Jaki. Safe. Hannah. Safe. Amy, Basil. Safe." I say. They all sigh with relief.

"Tim or Jen?" Tobias asks. They both seem terrified, although to Tim's credit he stands straight and tall and only looks sorta like he's going to cry.

"Jen! Congrats, you are factionless!" Tobias says with a flourish. For a second there is silence, then Dana starts clapping.

"Yay, Tim!" She says. Apparently, Jen was unpopular. Tobias and I leave, allowing Jen to be escorted out by Uriah.

When Tobias and I get back to the apartment, we sit on our bed and have a mini make out session. He and I kiss for a long time, then we fall asleep still in our clothes.

We have the next day off, so Tobias and I don't even get out of bed. We literally stay in bed until noon, when we got up to eat ramen noodles, then went back to bed. We're so lazy. Heehee.

The next day is visiting day. Tobias and I stand together at the edge of the chasm and watch the water.

Neither of out families came, but I was okay with it, since we are older now, there is no reason for them to come.

Surprisingly, none of the initiates' parents wanted to meet us. I found that odd, but whatever.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2016 ⏰

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