I guess?

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Chapter 2

Tobias and I write down a list of all the transfers. We want to make guesses on who will be cut and who won't.






Dana-Erudite, Duncan's twin sister





Jen's brother died falling off the train and Jaki's best friend wasn't able to get on. Plus Justin. I feel bad for kicking him out, but no one can touch me like that. Besides, the initiates can not see me being weak.

Our predictive rankings go:

1. Duncan

2. Dana

3. Jaki

4. Amy

5. Tim

6. Hannah

7. Jen

8. Tarragon

9. Basil

Most likely, the last five will be cut, which is sad, because they all have potential.

After that depressing meeting, Tobias and I go to bed. We live together now, so we got a bigger bed. That way, I don't feel too intimate.

The next morning, Tobias and I eat a quick breakfast, then go to set up the training room. We have decided to do knife throwing first, so they will be good and scared. In the afternoon, we will show them the guns.

I get out a bunch of knives, and lay them out on a table. Just to be intimidating, Tobias and I sit there ominously sharpening the knives. The initiates tremble, as they walk in, our technique worked.

"We are going to be throwing knives until lunch. I will demonstrate." He throws the knife dead center.

"What about Six?" Jen asks with a snicker.

"What about me?" I ask, from right behind her. She jumps and explains, "Well O was just wondering why you didn't demonstrate, if you're so amazing." It is an obvious challenge. I slowly and meaningly grab three knives.

When I throw, it hits dead center. Then, I switch hands, and it hits the bullseye, again. For the third one, Four blindfolds me, and I still hit center. They all gasp. Then, I go stand in front of the target. More gasps. Four picks up some knives and throws them. One next to my arm, the other above my head, and the third nicks my ear. More more gasps. It is getting annoying.

"Everyone, start throwing." They all scramble for knives. Unfourtanately, none of them watched my technique, just where the knife landed. This is going to be a long morning.

We fix multiple grips, arm angles, and stances. The initiates are extremely slow. They also are like rubber, and bounce back to the wrong position right after we correct them. At this rate, I am not sure any of them will make it.

Guns are the same. We both demo, and no one questions our Dauntlessness.

The end of day one ranks:

1. Dana

2. Amy

3. Duncan

4. Jaki

5. Hannah

6. Timothy

7. Basil

8. Jennifer

9. Tarragon

Tomorrow we fight. Luckily, Eric is gone, mysteriously, so we don't have to deal with his cruelty.

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