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Chapter 4

Fights again today.
We are having trouble setting up even pairs, but eventually, we decided on these:

1. Duncan vs Dana- I know it's cruel, but they are the two best.

2. Jaki vs Hannah

3. Tim vs Tarragon

4. Jen vs Basil

Amy can sit out today.

We start the fights, but when we get to Tim vs Tarragon, I realize that Tarragon is missing.

"Has anyone seen Tarragon?" I survey the faces. Everyone looks confused. Tobias goes to ask Zeke in the control room while I lead the kiddos in some stretches.

When he comes back, I ask him quietly what happened.

He says that Tarragon left. Packed a bunch of supplies(all stolen) and left for factionless.

I feel bad, but not everyone is cut out. She probably would have cracked, and this is better than if she had jumped.

"Change of plans. Since Tarragon decided to be factionless, Amy will fight Basil and Tim will fight Jen. A/N: sorry, figuring out fights is difficult. I am just guessing. Bear with me.

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