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Chapter 3

My mind came back to me and I could feel the ground under me.

 What happened? I thought. I opened my eyes and sat up quickly. Where am I?

Something moved to my left. I got up and spun around. It was the guy from the theatre in the props loft. He had one blue eye and one green eye and a creepy joker smile. "Who are you? And where am I? How did I get here?" I asked.

 His creepy smile got even bigger. "Patience Ebony, all will be revealed. Come we must take you to Fate Teller." He said walking away.

 "Wait!" I caught up with him. "Where am I?” I demanded.

“You’re in Minery my dear.”

“What on earth is Minery? I have never heard of it before.”

 “Of course you haven’t silly girl. Minery is not in your realm.” He said casually. 

 “My realm? You mean we are not on earth?” He shook his head. “Oh I get it. This is supposed to be Wonderland and you’re the mad hatter.”

 “I beg your pardon?”

 “This is too much like Alice in Wonderland. First you lead me to the props loft and I fall through a, whatever I fell through, now you’re here taking me to the caterpillar who is going to tell me who I am.” I said.

 “Oh, you think you are dreaming. No my dear, this is all real, this is a very real place.” He pinched my arm. “See? You are still here. What is this non-sense about a caterpillar and a hatter?”

 “Well in Alice in Wonderland, wait, there is no white rabbit.” I said looking around.

 “Come along dear, I think you may have hit your head on the way here.” We continued walking until we came upon a cottage in a clearing. “This is where Fate Teller lives.” We walked into the house and the smell of baking was in the air.

A woman came out from behind a corner. “Oh Kretter, your back.”  She looked at me. “Oh you must be Ebony, we have been waiting for you. Come along.” She said going back to what I believed was a kitchen. We followed her and stood in a huge kitchen. “Please have a seat. Fate Teller will be with you shortly.” She set a tray of pastry looking things on the table in front of us. “Oh where are my manners? I am Isabella and this is Kretter.”

“Nice to meet you. It seems like you both already know me, which I would like to know how that is exactly.”

 “All will be explained soon.” Isabella said.

 I sighed and took a bite of one of the pastries. “This is really good.” I said. She set some tea down in front of me. “Thank you.”

 A few minutes passed by and a man came into the room. Kretter got up and bowed, “Fate Teller.”

The man bowed back. “Kretter. I see you have found our guest, thank you for bringing her here.”

“Of course.” Kretter sat back down.

 Fate Teller sat across from me. “Hello Ebony, I am Fate Teller, it is very nice to meet you.”

 I nodded. “Can you tell me where I am? And why? And how does everyone know my name?”

 He sighed and took out a crystal bowl from a cloth. “This is Minery. Minery is not in your realm, Kretter lead you here. He is like the white rabbit from your story.”

 “How did you know about that?” I asked.

 “I am not Fate Teller for no reason. I have gifts that were given to me from the king.” The air went stale when he said that. “We have been watching you for some time. We chose you.”

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