LWS// 11

947 13 4

~Simons POV~
I hear Hannah's breathing slow down a lot as she laid on me. My heart was pounding from the fact that we just kissed. I can't believe I actually kissed her. Her lips were so soft and sweet, like cotton candy.

~next morning~
I wake up hearing bird chirping feeling the warmth of the sun on me. I sit up taking in my surroundings. Hannah. Where's Hannah. I stand up and look around for her. "Hannah!" I scream while looking.

I took my blanket and ran to the car. I quickly grab my phone and call her.

One ring.

Two ring.

"Hello?" A raspy voice responded. "Hannah!" "Simon.." "Hannah! Where are you please tell me!" "I-i can't.. He's going to hurt me a-again" I can now hear her sobs through the phone. "I- I have to go" she says in the phone.

"What are you doing with a phone." I hear a male voice. I hear hannah scream through the phone. "Hannah!!!" I scream back. The phone goes silent. "God what have I done" I say starting up the car.

I pull up to the sidemen house looking for Josh. I burst into his room seeing him live streaming. "Simon what's wrong?" I pull him out into the hall. I must be crying because he pulled me into a hug.

"S-shes gone I can't find her. Someone took her" I cry into his shoulder. He rubs my back to calm me down so I can speak.

"Simon, where did you last see her. " "up on that hill over viewing the city. We fell asleep stargazing and I don't know where she went." "Let's go the the police station, we have got to find where she is"

Josh goes into his room and wraps up the live stream leaving many comments like

'What happened?'
'Is it about Hannah?!'
'If its about Hannah I hope she dies'

Well I hope she doesn't.

~Skip car ride~

We got the the police station and reported her missing. "Have you called her recently?" The officer asked. "Yes, about 2 hours ago." He asks for my phone and types in stuff on the computer. He calls in someone and sends them an address. "Go get in your car and follow them" he says pointing at cops rushing out.

~Hannah's POV~

I open my eyes looking around at the dull Grey room. I'm chained by my wrist feet dangling. My ex barges into the room with a pissed off look. He throws a punch and hits me right on the ear. I yelp in pain as it hit contact.

I hear ringing in my ear as sounds slowly die off. He grabs my cheeks with his hand and looks at me dead in the eyes. "You called the police didn't you?! Didn't you!" He screamed in my face as I felt something sharp slide under my eye. "I called him. The one I love!" "You love me, not that selfish bitch wannabe" I felt blood trickle down my face.

I closed my eyes about to give up when u heard a big bang noise. I barely open my eyes to see the police barging in with all of the sidemen behind them. Simon Rush's to my and takes me off the chain. I drop to the floor. I close my eyes hearing muffles. This is the end.

~JJ's POV~
I look over at simon who has his head in his hands. Its been 2 months since she was brought in the hospital. Simon hasn't letter her side once. I go out into the hall and see harry trying to calm Ethan down for he is very sensitive to this kind of stuff.

I look around and see Tobi with his hands playing around and his head is down. I sit down next to him and put an arm around his rubbing his shoulder.

"Hey" he said in a sweet childish voice. "Everyone is worried Tobi... Its alright to cry." Tobi broke down and hugged me tightly. I hugged him while rubbing his back. "Shshshs" I say slowly. We got some weird looks from people. Others looked very stressed and tired also.

Tobi pulls away and looks up at me. He gives a faint smile that makes him looks 5 again. "Thanks JJ I needed that." "Your welcome" I whisper in his ear while smiling. He was definitely the most innocent in the group but he was also the strongest.

Living With Sidemen//Miniminter FFWhere stories live. Discover now