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~Simons POV~
I sit by the hospital bed waiting for her to wake up. My hand is in her cold one. I haven't left her bed side unless I had to go to the bathroom. I barley ate or slept. I feel to stressed out to.

"Hannah.." I began whispering to her even though she couldn't hear me. "The day I found you on the street.. I felt bad for you.. I didn't leave until you were taking to the orphanage. Even then I continued to look for you. Then u saw you. You were smiling and playing with the other girls.." I grin at the memory.

~Flash back~
"Jo! Get off of me!" I hear laughing as I walk around the corner. I look over and see 3 girls playing in a lawn. "Hannah! No come back" a younger girl says chasing an older girl.

I got closer and saw they had a football at there feet. The were kicking it around, playfully tackling each other. "Nice going Jak!" Two of the screamed. I saw the football roll across the street. "Great now we can't play. Mother won't let us go into the street."

I felt bad so I walked over and grabbed it. I walked up to them and tapped the oldest girl on the shoulder. She turned around and jumped. "Um is this your football?" I say awkwardly. "Uh yeah t-thanks" she mumbled back taking the football.

I smiled and walked away hearing giggles and "he's so into you" "he's adorable" "we don't even know him guys" "but he is so hot and tall" I laugh as I slowly walk away. I don't think I'll ever forget that.
~Flashback over~

I sit there crying holding her hand. "I remember the first few days you were at the house you were scared.. You didn't know what to expect. I remember when you were drunk for the first time and you told me you had feelings for me." I took a deep breath before continuing.

"I remember our snowball fight where you were cold and I let you use my shirt. The first night we fell asleep next to each other. Our fun Nerf battle with all the boys. Our first kiss two mothers ago. Laying under the stars. With you laying on me."

I stood up and kissed her on the lips. I have forgotten what it feels like to kiss her when she is awake. I sit back down and stare at her resting face just waiting for it to move. "Hannah. Wake up. Fight. I know you can. Try. Don't give up." I felt her hand squeeze mine. "Hannah?" She started to shake rapidly. "DOCTOR" I scream look at Hannah. The doctors rush in and they push me out

"No no! I need to be with her! No" I cry out. "No"

Josh had enough of me not leaving because next thing I knew I was forced into his car.

~Hannah's POV~
"Hannah. Wake up" I'm trying
"Fight. I know you can" So do I.
"Try don't give up" I am, trust me I am. I don't want to give up.

I use all my strength to squeeze Simons hand. "Hannah?" I try to move more and more. "DOCTOR" I hear footsteps rush in with simon being pulled out. I feel a mask go on my face and I stoked login once more.

~Few hours later~

I sit up and see machines hooked up to me. I look over and see a button to call the doctors. I press it repeatedly. I throw my legs to the side of the bed and began to get up. Thunk. I fall into the floor hitting my arm. I yelp in pain as doctors run through the door.

"Where am I? How did I get here? What are all these scars?" I frantically look around for any signs if memory. A girl bursts through the door and stares at me. "H-hannah?" She asks walking towards me. "B-brooklynn" She ran to me and hugged me. "I haven't seen you since 8th grade!" She says crying.

A boy comes into the door shortly after looking at me. "You know Hannah? The new kid at my school?" He asked her. "You know Hannah? My best friend that disappeared one day?" He walked over to me as I tried to scoot back. I gold my arm because of the impact on the floor it hurt.

"D-do I know you?" I ask quietly. "Yeah, I'm Eric. The guy who showed you around school. Remember?" I try to but all I see is blurs. "N-no" the doctor came in and took them out. He began asking me alot of questions while examining my newly hurt arm, and my old head injury.

About an hour later a tall blonde came into the room. He began crying and walking up to me. "Hannah?" He said stopping. I look around confused. I don't know him "W-who are you?" Brook comes back into the room alone this time. "Hannah. Do you know this guy?" She said. "No, I don't remember him. Where's mom and dad. Where Simon?"

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