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Jessy POV

There I was, extremely nervous as I stood next to Roxy, as I waited for them to announce the winner of the fourth season of X-Factor US. It was freaking me out. We had come to the top three, and then they announced that the one girl had been sent home. I just hoped that we made it together. We had to win. I would feel completely devastated if we made it this far, only to lose.

“And the winner of the fourth season of the X-Factor is…” Mario Lopez, who was the host of the show, said, drawing it out to agonize everyone. “...R&J!”

I felt like jumping up and down. That was me and Roxy! I couldn’t believe it. We had won the X-Factor. It was just so amazing. I don’t think I was exactly expecting to win.

(3 Months Later)

It’s been three months since Roxy and I won X-Factor, and we’re still big. I’m not sure how big we are, but we’ve released one song: Do You Remember? It’s been a big hit, and we’ve been invited to a few parties. I’ve gone to all of them, but Roxy has only gone to a couple. I’m not sure why though, because we could totally live up the life. We were two blonde girls, very desirable. People would love to date us, of that I am absolutely certain. We could have any guy, but Roxy wouldn’t know that.

We were sitting at our flat in LA waiting for Simon, who was coming over to speak about something important, to come and speak to us. He had been our mentor on X-Factor, and had taken a rather liking to us. He had been so happy that we had won, and even rubbed it in the other judges’ faces, that he was basically better than them. It had been funny too.

However, I was worried that this was about that ‘bad reputation’ I had earned recently. I guess it’s not a good idea to get drunk at a party, one of them that Roxy hadn’t gone to, and then end up naked on the end of the road. It’s not my fault though. I’ve never known exactly how much alcohol I’m supposed to consume when Roxy’s not there. I blame Roxy.

When the door knocked, I quickly jumped off the couch where I was sitting, and ran to the door. There was Simon Cowell, looking a little unhappy. I smiled at him, and he just frowned deeper.

“Hey Simon,” I said cheerfully, trying to bring his mood back to happy. He had been so happy during the X-Factor, but now he was acting like a gloomy butthead. He would have to learn to deal with how I acted, I guess.

“Jessyca,” he said, using my full name. I gulped. No one ever used my full name unless I was in trouble. Normally they only called me Jess or Jessy. Well, I guess I’m screwed. Just great. Simon probably wants to fire us from his record label. I just screwed it up for both Roxy and me. Well, hopefully Roxy wouldn’t want to kill me too badly for messing this up for the both of us. Please don’t make her want to kill me.

“Simon!” I exclaimed, still trying to lighten the mood. I didn’t like how everything seemed so sad and depressing.

“Jessyca,” he repeated. “I have been very disappointed in your behavior in the past few months. You give this group a bad name.”

“I don’t try,” I told him. “The trouble always seems to find me. And that whole naked thing, I blame on Roxy.”

“How is that my fault?” Roxy asked me.

“Because,” I said, turning to her, “you always tell me when I’ve had enough alcohol. Trust me, my friend, that’s a very good thing.”

Roxy smiled at that, and then said, “Oh.” Then, she nodded her head. “I see why you like me going to the parties now.”

“That’s besides the point,” Simon said. “R&J needs to clean up the act Jessy is imposing. No one will let their kids listen to your music if you keep up this act. And I know just how to do it.”

“How?” Roxy asked, looking intrigued.

How indeed, I wondered. It would take a lot to make up for all the bad press I’d accidentally cause us to receive. Just the other day, I found this website calling me a trashy slut. It had been a mother, warning other mother’s not to let their kids listen to our music, because I was a no-good trashy whore. The nerve of some people.

“You will be going on tour with One Direction,” Simon said quickly.

I couldn’t believe it. Going on tour with One Direction? Definitely not something in my things-I-must-do list.

Hope you guys liked the prologue of Terrified. This prologue was written by ZaynMalikGal4Life

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