Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Roxy’s P.O.V

Jessy strolled around the corner with a smiling Zayn following behind, she smiled brightly at me, before turning to give Harry a glare. However the cold look soon turned to a worried frown, and I spun instantly to see why.

Simon was standing behind Harry looking furious.

“S-Simon, hi.” I stuttered, giving him a hopeful smile which he did not return.

“You seven have no idea how disappointed I am with you! I sent you on this tour hoping you would learn to work together and increase each others’ success, but judging by your little stunt up there so far you have learnt nothing!” He shouted giving us all glares almost as powerful as Jessy’s. “You’re all leaving for the airport now, you’re going to NYC and the bus will meet you there. You have eight months, the world to travel, and a lot of work to do. By the time I meet you in London for the last show of the tour, you’d better have changed.”

We all looked at the ground like children being scolded for breaking something.It was kind of scary when Simon got mad.

“Now, get going, the Limo is outside to take you to the airport, my jet will take you on the flight, and I want friends by the end of this. Eight months, you got it?”

We nodded and murmured in agreement as Simon left the room. We picked up our belongings from the dressing rooms and got changed out of our performance clothes.

Personally, aside from the Jessy V Harry fiasco, I think our first concert went pretty well. The fans seemed to like us and the songs we did, so it can’t have gone too badly.

The limo waited for us outside the stage door so we headed straight for the airport from the venue without a chance to go back to the bus. I guess my laptop would just have to live without me for a little while.

The airport wasn’t too busy since it was fairly late by the time we got there and the fans had no idea the boys were leaving for New York tonight. We arrived and collected our tickets, boarding passes and passports that Simon had sent ahead for us, but we still had an hour to kill before the jet would be ready to leave.

Jessy and I were sitting, waiting on a bench in the terminal while the boys looked around the shops, clad in hoodies and sunglasses. I didn’t bother to point out that they were making themselves stand out even more by wearing sunglasses at 11:56PM, I guessed if they got spotted they would figure it out themselves.

We had been waiting almost half an hour when Louis ran out of a store and jumped onto the seat beside me yelling “Hide me!!!”. I understood almost immediately when Harry and Liam followed him out of the same store, dripping wet and looking mad. I laughed as they scanned the area obviously searching for Louis. I smiled down at him where he was curled up beside me, attempting to hide. He looked up at me desperately and I nodded, taking off my sleeveless leather jacket and laying it over him with my bag on his head.  

To be honest, it didn’t do much to hide him, but Harry and Liam charged straight past him, not even bothering to check around me and Jessy, assuming he wouldn't be anywhere near us. Jessy looked up from her phone and stared at Louis with mild surprise before turning in Harry and Liam’s direction and opening her mouth to call to them.

I clapped my hand over her mouth and gave her a pleading look, she rolled her eyes and settled back in her seat, going back to her phone once more.

Once Harry and Liam had disappeared from view Louis sat up smiling.

“Thanks, for hiding me Roxy.” he said making me smile again. His accent was sweet, it had been a while since i’d been around so many british people. They kinda reminded me of home..

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