Chapter Three

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Jessy POV

I’d been trapped on this tour bus with One Direction for less than a day, and  I already wanted to kill all five of them, especially that Zayn figure. He really pissed me off. He thought he was so hot and crap, and I just wanted to laugh in his face.  He wasn’t as hot as he thought he was.

None of these boys were even remotely good looking. Why girls tended to throw themselves over these five so-called British cuties, I wasn’t sure. You want a hot guy? Look up Chris Colfer. Or Darren Criss. And if you don’t know who either of those guys are, you’re the one with horrible taste in guys.

“Jessy, come on,” Roxy said to me. “We have to get going for the interview.”

“Won’t someone drive this bus to wherever?” I asked. “I mean, it can’t be that complicated, can it?”

Roxy just shook her head at me, and then said, “We’re taking a limo, silly.  Now come on, it’s  eight in the morning, and we have to be there by ten.”

“I’d rather die than ride a limo with five stupid boys, and then do an interview with them,” I grumbled. However, I knew I had no choice. After all, Simon would be expecting me to try to get along with the boys. I didn’t want to, but he was expecting me to, so yeah. I guess I had to. Well, I had to try, but that didn’t guarantee success.

“Girls!” Liam called. I groaned.

“Yeah?” I asked. At least they had the decency of not just entering our room.

“We’re leaving now. Are you ready?”

“Yeah,” I muttered, loud enough for him to hear. Roxy also said she was ready. It looked as though I wasn’t the only one who didn’t want to go and do this stupid interview with the boys.

Written by @ZaynMalikGal4Life

Roxy’s P.O.V

We followed Liam and the others out of the bus, which was parked in a concrete parking lot, behind some tall building I didn’t recognise. There was a sleek black Limo parked a few feet away with the doors already open. Liam disappeared inside first, followed by Niall and then Harry. Zayn looked back and saw Jessy’s angry expression so he climbed in next, moving as far from the door as possible. I think she may have terrified him just a little. Louis followed leaving the only available seats beside him for Jessy and I.

There was a second of silence between us before Jessy said “I’m not sitting next to them.”

So I slipped into the car to avoid any violence between them, and she sat beside me, slamming the door firmly behind her.

No one said a word as we rode to the radio station. I checked my phone, Twitter and Facebook. Jessy did the same, as did Zayn and Liam, but other than that we sat in an awkward silence the whole journey.

This was to be the first time anyone found out we were joining the boys on tour. As far as the radio presenter knew we were only there for a joint interview, not to announce anything special.

I think Simon had left it up to us to tell the world as a responsibility thing, trying to teach us a lesson or something. I loved him to death, but he really sucked sometimes!

We pulled up to the station and got out of the limo, already there was a huge crowd of fans and photographers waiting outside, screaming both our’s, and the boys’ names.

Security led us through the crowd and into the large building, pointing us towards the elevator and telling us we needed to go to floor 16.

So once again, me, Jessy and the five boys we hated most were piled into a small space for what felt like a lot longer than it actually was.

Jessy pretty much sprinted out of the elevator when it came to a stop, and I followed her. We were now in a large room, filled with a few vending machines, three large couches and two armchairs. Me and Jessy jumped onto the largest sofa and pulled out our phones once more.

Niall went straight to the vending machine and Louis and Harry to one of the other couches. Liam and Zayn taking the armchairs.

To the left of us was the glass windowed room, filled with computers and mics that was meant for recording. A man in headphones and a black polo shirt was already sat inside facing away from us. We could however hear his voice from the radio on the coffee table, playing the station we would soon be appearing on.

For a couple of minutes we just listened, until a woman in a headset rushed around the corner.

“Boys, girls, you’re on in three,” she said gesturing towards the door.

“Thanks, Love.” Harry told her winking flirtatiously, and we rolled our eyes.

Niall and Zayn walked into the little room first, then Jessy and I, then Louis, Harry and  Liam.  Quietly taking our seats opposite the presenter, in front of our own microphones.

The polo shirted man silently waved hello as the song he had been playing finished, and cleared his throat before introducing us.

“That was One Direction, Story Of My Life, and now we’re here with the boys themselves, and the latest X-Factor winners. One Direction and R&J everybody!” He pressed a button that caused a clapping sound effect to play and we smiled and said Hi back while it did so.

“So boys, you are starting off your world tour here, tomorrow night. How does it feel knowing you’re starting such a huge process, right here in LA?” He asked, addressing the boys completely. Jessy and I sat back, ready to watch the boys talk about the tour, knowing that we were going to have to endure the same thing for the next eight months with them.

“Well it’s all very exciting, we can’t believe we are going on such a huge, worldwide tour. We’re very excited about the whole thing,” started Liam.

“And of course we’re all thrilled that we get to kick in off in LA and have Simon there to see the very first show,” added Harry.

“And of course, girls,” We sat up straighter, paying attention now. “You recently won the X-Factor yourselves! What’s it like all the new found fame, how are you feeling as the first ever, British American duet winners?”

“Well, it’s all very new still, it’s great knowing that people voted for us to win, and Simon has been great for us, helping us a little with the single, and the album we’ve been working on.”  I replied.

“Yeah, it’s a really great feeling knowing we won, and have so much to look forward to,” Jessy added, a little bitterly. Hopefully I was the only one who noticed that though.

“Also, I think it’s something that takes some time to adjust to, we still aren't really used to all the attention just yet,” I finished.

“So you two are working on an album, the boys are kicking of  a world tour, the X-Factor winners are busy at the minute.”

We all just sort of mumbled agreements to that.

“Roxy, like the boy’s here you’re British right? What’s it like being this far from home?”

“Well it’s a little strange and  I do miss home sometimes, but I have a feeling i’ll get to go back for a while really soon.” I said with a sad smile, choosing my words very carefully.

“Boys, this tour is huge, so our guess is you won’t be doing it alone huh? So tell us, who’ is your opening act going to be?” The million dollar who was going to answer it? We all exchanged nervous glances, the boys waiting for us to talk, us waiting for them.

“They question was for you boys,” Jessy finally said, raising her eyebrows, watching the struggle.

“Well, um...” stuttered Harry.

“Well actually...” said Niall looking around at the boys for help. Jessy and

I smirked. Watching them give each other helpless looks was quite comical.

“R&J are our opening act, they’re coming on tour with  us!” said Louis.


Written by @HopeHummelAnderson

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