Chapter 1 - The Fire Nation Prince

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Hana leaves home despite her parents multiple warnings. She's explored on her own in the forest before, sure she wasn't an earth bender but out in the woods among the trees and stream she felt at peace. "Though my parents I know are only looking out for me... there isn't anything in the forest to be afraid of." She smiles and continues to walk north from the cabin. 'The stream is just a little more this way up over this hill.' She stops when she spots a smoke cloud. 'Somebody is out here? In the forest?' she hesitates. 'Oh no... somebody could have left a fire going by mistake... I should go make sure.'

She sneaks closer to the fire pit hiding behind a tree the green kimono she's wearing brushes against the grass as she kneels slightly to peer around the tree. 'Nobody seems to be here. I don't hear anything either.' She slides carefully out from behind the cover of the tree to another one that's a bit closer. 'Wait... those tents... are fire nation!' no sooner had she realized her mistake then she was grabbed from behind. She looks over her shoulder eyes wide with fear as two fire nation soldiers restrain her. "No wait!?"

The two fire navy men drag Hana to the bigger of the few tents and toss her inside before following behind her. "We found an earth kingdom spy stalking around the perimeter. What shall we do captain?"

Hana stares up at the boy before her unable to speak because of the cloth in her mouth.

The boy frowns. "Uncle... you deal with this one." He mumbles and dismisses the two guards.

The old man sitting next to the boy stands up. "As you wish nephew." He waits for the men to leave before helping Hana up off the ground. "Young miss." He smiles. "I apologize for the rough treatment." He removes the cloth from her mouth. "Tell me what are you doing out here in the forest?"

"I live out here." Hana mumbles fighting back tears. 'I've been captured by the fire nation!?'

"uncle." The boy frowns. "We haven't got time to play around with spies."

"I'm not a spy!" Hana looks at the ground.

"I am Iroh." The old man smiles. "This is my nephew Zuko."

"Z-Zuko..." Hana looks back up wide eyed. "The prince of the fire nation!?"

Iroh nods. "You see the trouble you've gotten yourself into." He smiles and unties her wrists. "Would you like to have some tea?"

Hana stares at Iroh unsure how to respond. "i... I don't know..."

Zuko sighs. "Really uncle? You don't have to be nice to everyone you meet."

"On the contrary nephew." Iroh smiles. "One should always aim to make friends rather than enemies." He leads Hana over to the table and sits on the floor. "So tell me what was it you were doing outside the camp?"

"i... I saw the fire..." Hana mumbles looking away. "I thought maybe somebody forgot to put out a camp fire and I didn't want the forest to..." she trails off.

"Oh I see." Iroh smiles and looks at Zuko. "See young Zuko... not everyone is an enemy."

Zuko rolls his eyes. "Whatever uncle."

Iroh pours Hana some tea. "I try to get my nephew to drink tea and chat with me, but he's very stubborn you see and won't listen to this Oldman."

Zuko pouts. "I'm not stubborn Oldman you're just boring."

"Do you see what I have to put up with?" Iroh jokes. "So tell us more about yourself. Your wearing green are you an earth bender?"

Zuko glances over but tries to pretend he isn't listening.

"No actually... I'm a waterbender." Hana mumbles still not making direct eye contact with either of them.

"What?" Zuko sits up and looks at her. "But then why are you so far from the tribes?"

"Some generations ago my family was dishonored. Since then my family has lived in the earth kingdom." Hana sips the tea but still won't look at either of them. After a few moments of silence she glances over at Iroh. "Am I going to die?"

Iroh glances over at Zuko. "That depends on my nephew."

Zuko frowns. "If you're asking me what to do with her don't bother! You already know we can't just let her leave."

Iroh nods. "Right but what then?"

Zuko puts his hand on his chin and sighs. "Well I suppose we could keep her around..." he glances at Hana. "Don't get in the way and you can stay and talk with uncle."

"But I want to go home!" Hana protests.

"Well you can't!" Zuko fires back. "If anyone knew I just let a prisoner go! It'd make me look bad!"

"BUT I'M NOT A SPY!" Hana protests.

"All the same you're a bender." Zuko growls. "You count yourself lucky I don't put you in a crate and ship you off to a work camp!"

"You're so cruel!" Hana breaks into tears. 'That's it then... I won't be allowed to go home... I'll never see my parents again...'

Zuko readies an angry retort.

Iroh puts one hand on Zuko's shoulder.

Zuko calms down and glance over at his uncle. "I crossed a line."

Iroh nods.

Zuko frowns and waits for a moment. "You understand I have my image to keep..." he mumbles. "Until I find the avatar I won't be able to restore my lost honor. I can't allow myself to sink any farther in the view of my subordinates."

Hana wipes her eyes and looks at Zuko. "Surely letting me go wouldn't hurt your image."

Zuko frowns and diverts his eyes from Hana. "This discussion is over. You'll be staying with uncle until you become a burden to me and when that time comes you will be sent away."

Iroh frowns. "That's probably the best offer you'll get."

Hana frowns and looks at the ceiling. 'Avatar protect me...'

"Sir." One of the guards peeks in. "It's about time we began to move out. The men are ready."

"Very well." Zuko nods and stands up. "Come along."

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