Chapter 11 - Comet / End

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(On the day of the comet Zuko faces off against Azula in an duel for the throne. Aang defeats Zuko's father as he attempts to siege the earth nation capitol. Hana and Zuko were the ones who confronted Azula making a stand for the future peace of the great nations, However out of pure spite Azula refused to hear them out claiming that Hana as a waterbender has no place among the royalty of the fire nation.)

Zuko stands in front of Kana with one of his arms out to stop her from attacking Azula. "I know you're upset Hana, but this is my fight." He glances over at her. "I'm glad you're here to support me but this is something I must do on my own."

Hana nods slightly and backs up one step. "Please don't die..." she mumbles.

Zuko smirks. "I don't intend to." Zuko turns back to his sister. "Fight me one on one."

"Oh this should be interesting." Azula chuckles and moves her feet into a fighting stance. "I guess we'll see truly which of us is most powerful."

Zuko nods and moves his feet. "I never wanted it to come to this Azula... but you've left me no choice."

Hana backs up to give the two room to fight properly without Zuko having to worry about Hana. 'This is much more intense than Zuko's fight with Zhao.'

Azula and Zuko go back and forth between attacking and blocking. Both of them taking about just as much damage as they are dealing. Until Azula realizes Zuko's skills are just slightly above her own. This realization sends her into a rage in which she attempts to attack Hana using lightning. Zuko blocks this attack redirecting it back at Azula who wasn't expecting him to be able to stop her attack and ends up defeated by her own move.

A now out of breath Zuko turns back over his shoulder to Hana and smiles a little. "We did it." he looks back at his defeated sister. "She needs help mentally..." he mumbles starting to walk forward. <-- right then decided not to kill her.

"You won brother." She laughs hysterically. "So are you going to kill me?"

"No." Zuko reaches down for her hand. "The fire nation will no longer stand for unnecessary violence."

"Your weak brother." Azula growls slapping his hand away.

Azula's two friends Mai and Ty lee may be loyal friends, but also obediently obey the current fire lord. So with Azula defeated at the hands of Zuko that now makes him commander. "Lord Zuko..." Mai mumbles looking away. "If you don't plan to kill Azula what will you have done with her?"

Zuko puts his hand on his chin. "I believe my sister is in need of treatment. Can the two of you escort her to the mental ward?"

Mai nods, her and Ty Lee take Azula away while she kicks and screams.

Hana smiles. "That was very kind of you to let her go."

Zuko nods. "I don't intend to run the kingdom the way my father did." He watches the door as it closes behind the girls. "Though she was always mean to me she is still my sister. I can only one day hope that she regains her sanity." He smiles a little. "Now let's call all fire nation troops back home." He turns and walks down some halls until he comes to a place filled with machines. He pushes a few dials up and pushes a button. "This is fire lord Zuko... all navy ships and personnel are to return home immediately. The war is over."

One of the ships replies immediately. "Zuko you made it! That's great!" Aang says excitedly. <-- Was on a Navy ship after fighting Zuko's dad.

Zuko smirks. "The war is finally over..."


Zuko spent the majority of that day trying to clean up all of his father's messes. Starting with giving all the navy men and most of the guards the day off to go be with their families. That night the ships all returned to port and so the avatar and his friends entered the fire nation and Aang assisted Zuko in making so tough choices. Zuko's father was locked up in a high security prison cell.

Zuko turns to Aang a very solemn look on his face. "If I ever become a leader like my father... please kill me..."

Aang smirks. "Alright, but I don't think you have to worry about that." Aang puts one arm around Zuko and the other around Hana and smiles. "So when is the wedding?"

Zuko smirks. "I don't know... I haven't even really properly asked her yet. We have so much planning to do but I still have to fix the peace too I don't know if we'll even have time for a wedding." As he thinks more and more about all the things he has to fix he gets more and more overwhelmed.

"Don't try too hard Zuko." Aang smiles. "Just take it one step at a time."

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