Chapter 9

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(Some drama happens and everyone ends up at western air temple. Zuko finds out his mother was related to the previous avatar, and then wants to make up for his mistakes by helping Aang.)

-Western air temple-

Hana has been very quiet and not done or said much outside from the occasional answering questions about how she is feeling. She would tell the others she was fine but really she had a broken heart. 'Zuko... I thought he was my friend but... I bet he didn't even look for me.' <-- it's been a few days and she misses him to the point where she started believing he chose the fire nation over her.

Toph could always tell Hana was lying but she also felt bad and understood Hana's broken heart so she decided to let her deal with her own issues without getting involved. <-- not poking her nose into Hana's business.

Hana was depressed and lying hidden next to Aang's flying bison. <-- bison fur is warm and acts as a shield against weather and people's eyes.

"Excuse me..." Zuko mumbles approaching slowly. <-- had followed Aang and the others when they fled the fire nation. Had been trying to figure out what he wanted to say.

"You!" Toph, Katara, and Aang all three stand up to fight.

"I'm not here to fight." Zuko sighs. "I was looking for you but not because I want to be your enemy..."

Aang frowns. "You came looking for me? Why?" still standing ready to fight.

"I want to help you." Zuko replies.

Katara frowns. "I don't believe you." she pulls out some water and continues to glare at Zuko.

"You had a chance to help us before. You got Aang killed." Sokka retorts holding his boomerang.

"I know I've done some terrible things. You have to believe me I deeply regret everything I've put you through." He clinches his fists and looks at the ground. "Before what I thought I wanted more than anything was for my father to love Me." he relaxes slightly with a narrowed gaze directed at the stone floor. "But that wasn't what I wanted..." he looks at Aang. "I lost what I cared about..."

Katara looks over at Toph. "Is he telling the truth?"

Toph nods. "He isn't lying..."

Aang pauses for a moment. "What did you care about that you lost?"

"Hana..." Zuko replies. "My father had told me she abandoned me and fled the palace. I searched everywhere... and then Azula told me that was a lie my father had told me and that what had actually happened was that he had killed her." he looks away from the group. "Then I found out my mother was related to the previous avatar... so I resolve to help you restore peace so innocent people like Hana won't have to die." <-- doesn't know Hana is still alive and listening to everything.

Hana had been listening to the conversation. She stands up and smiles at Zuko. "I'm not dead..."

Zuko's head turns and he stares at Hana completely surprised. "You're alive!?"

"Your father had me banished from the city..." Hana explains walking over to the group. "I thought you didn't care because you didn't come after me, but it seems we were both wrong."

Zuko smiles and runs to hug Hana. "Are you kidding I missed you like crazy... I searched for days... I only gave up because Azula told me you were dead." <-- happy beyond words.

"I'm just a waterbender Zuko..." Hana mumbles.

"No... you're so much more than that." Zuko laughs slightly. "I was so upset when I found out you were gone."

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