*RE: Part 3 (6-12-2020)*

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The ship is tossed around and ends up run aground in the earth kingdom the crew all survive the storm and work tirelessly to try to fix the broken engine. A small crew goes to a nearby town hoping to find a part they need to replace while the rest set up boards and pulleys to pry the ship out of the ground and get it back in the water.

Meanwhile zuko stays on the ship frustrated and pacing around the deck trying to figure out how to solve all the issues that had cropped up after the storm had smashed them into the land. They don't have much money collectively and they really need the engine part but they are out of food supplies because the storm had destroyed everything that wasn't tied down.

Iroh suggests that procuring food might be a good place to start, and zuko agrees. He walks only a few steps off the ship when he realizes he doesn't know what herbs or berries are edible. He goes back and retrieves his captive. He ties her around the waistline with a thick rope, and gets a basket to carry anything they find.

Hana is not happy and she gives him the silent treatment which he supposes is fine until he realizes he needs her to tell him what he can eat. They walk quietly for a ways and eventually come upon a bush full of bright red berries. They look like raspberries and zuko plucks one.

Hana rolls her eyes and slaps it away. "Don't eat that."

He pauses looking at the bush skeptically. "What is it?"

She grumbles and crosses her arms. "Poison. I'm almost tempted to let you eat it."

He nods and they move on. He drags her deeper into the woods and they find bananas and apple trees. He knows those foods are safe so he starts loading up on apples and bunches to carry back. He hands the basket to Hana to carry.

She sits on the ground while he tries to pull the rope to get her to move.

He grumbles. "It's like trying to walk a cat."

"I'm not going." She says.

"I demand you stand up." Zuko growls pulling harder.

She slides across the ground a little bit but she stays sitting. "You owe me an apology for last night. I won't budge till you come to your senses."

"What?!" He says confused.

"You threw me in that room alone in the dark during a storm!?" She yells standing up to point in his face. "It's obvious you don't know how to treat a lady LET ALONE ONE WHO SAVED YOUR LIFE?!"

Zuko pauses and reflects. She wasn't lying, Zuko had no idea what he was doing half the time. When it comes to girls he never knows. He can't understand why she is so mad. He stares at her blankly.

She grumbles. "You have... no idea do you?"

He shrugs. "I mean I thought I was doing well considering you're supposed to be a prisoner. Not many prisoners get to walk around the ship or sleep in a bed room." He pauses for a moment. "And as for locking you in the room during the storm..."

"I don't wanna hear it." She grumbles. "I'm not going to be pushed around by you or pulled around like an animal on a leash." She turns away from him and notices something move in the bushes.

Zuko looks at the rope and shrugs. "I'm sorry but it was either the rope or you stayed on the ship. I can't be seen being too friendly." He seems to realize she isn't listening and he looks at where she is looking. "What?" He asks.

"Something is there." She mumbles. She sets the basket on the ground still staring at the bushes.

A bunch of people in green jackets appear on tree limbs and leap into the little clearing surrounding zuko and hana in a circle.

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