Chapter 4

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Zuko felt really bad now. He hadn't meant to mention that he planned to take her to the fire nation. 'It isn't like that's going to happen anytime soon. I still have to catch the avatar first or there wouldn't be a point to returning.' He looks at the door between the bathroom and his room and groans. 'I couldn't stand to see that sad look on her face so I hid in the bathroom. What am I going to do!? What would uncle do?' he wonders putting his hand on his head. 'He'd try to apologize and then he'd probably start talking about shogi... or he'd make tea.' He puts both hands on his head. 'This isn't helping! Pull yourself together Zuko.'

'I wonder if Zuko really thinks I could make a living selling ice statues in the fire nation.' Hana wonders lying on Zuko's bed because he isn't there. 'That only means that he doesn't intend to take me home... so I guess I'll just have to get used to... being a fire nation captive. I suppose it could be worse though.' She remembers Zuko's outburst about sending the waterbenders to a work camp. 'I wouldn't know anyone there... and I'm sure they'd treat me like an outcast knowing my family was driven out of the tribes.' She sighs and looks at the ceiling. 'I wonder if my parents will miss me.' as she's thinking she nods off and ends up asleep.

'I'll add that previous outburst to the list of things I shouldn't have said.' Zuko grumbles to himself. 'I guess I already apologized. I still feel like shit though.' He groans and stands up. 'I should probably go to bed.' He opens the door and pauses staring back at Hana. 'She fell asleep on my bed.' He frowns. 'What do I do about this?' he scratches the back of his head and looks at the door. 'It could be a pain if anyone saw this, but it'd be even worse if I gave up my bed to her right?'

He sits on the foot of the bed and pouts for a few minutes. 'Wake her up or let her sleep...' he repeats the question in his head over and over. He leans over against the wall and glances back at Hana. 'I think she'd think I was coming onto her if I just ignore the fact that she's here and just slept next to her.' he grabs the back of his neck and looks at the ceiling. 'What should I do?'

-Next day-

Zuko wakes up first and realizes he passed out sitting against the wall. 'I don't know how I managed to fall asleep up against the wall but at least I didn't fall over.' He glances over at Hana and smirks. 'She seems to have slept well.' Unknowingly he reaches over to push some stray hair off her face. As he reaches out there is a knock on the door. He jumps slightly at glares at the door. "What!?"

"Sir we seem to have run into a problem." The voice behind the door says.

"Well what is it?" Zuko insists standing up and walking quickly to the door.

"The ship isn't moving." The man sighs. "It seems overnight the propeller got jammed up. Nobody noticed the issue until this morning. We've been stuck for quite a while."

"What!?" Zuko growls. "How could you not notice something like that!?"

"What's wrong?" Hana mumbles rubbing her eyes. "Did something happen?"

Zuko growls and turns back around to Hana. "It seems we haven't been moving for some time now."

The man at the door seems a bit shocked that Hana is in Zuko's room. "ug... should I ask?" he mumbles raises and eyebrow.

"No." Zuko half turns to glare at the man. "If you have time to question me about my personal life then you have far too much time on your hands. Go figure out how to fix the propellers."

The man bows and hurries away. "Yes sir sorry sir!" he disappears around the corner.

"The propellers?" Hana mumbles still half asleep. "What's wrong with them?"

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