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About fifty feet behind Carlin and Misty were Manuel, Jake, and Kaeli. Manuel had struck up conversation with the girl, and they seemed to enjoy each others' company. Jake seemed to be the outsider of the group, but Manuel had seem him as a nice character. He had a very charming nature, almost too kind for his own good, and he also appeared very laid back and tranquil.

"Sorry I sounded kind of bitchy back at the runway," Kaeli explained to Manuel, who was listening intently.

"It's fine," he assured. "Everyone has their moments." Kaeli smiled. Jake walked on Manuel's left, hands dipped into his pockets.

Manuel liked the way she smiled. Frankly, he liked anything she did. She was a sweet, attractive young girl, with a very charming appeal. She was adventurous, careful, and benevolent beyond anyone else. She had a very charismatic personality, and the way she spoke made Manuel feel in a way he had not felt in a very long time.

"Is it just me, or is it cold out here?" asked Jake.

"Well yeah, there's a storm coming," said Kaeli. Jake shook his head.

"Of course because of that, but I mean like, unnaturally cold. Like the kind of chill that you get when you get creeped out." The few looked at each other.

"Now that you mention it, this place is kinda creepy..." said Manuel. Jake mustered an awkward chuckle and looked forward.

"Anyways," Kaeli said, resuming conversation. "What did you both do back home?" Manuel was quick to answer.

"I'm a cardiac surgeon for Saint Joseph's hospital. I came down to visit my estranged family in Guatemala. I was born from a Mexican father though, and they moved to Guatemala when I came to America to study." Kaeli chuckled, and Manuel blushed. He was young, and so was she, they were both under thirty, so why not be a little flirtatious?

"I'm a nurse," said Kaeli. "I do art on the side sometimes. I wanted to go to art school, but that was shattered when my parents forced me into medical school."

"That must suck," Manuel commented.

"I mean, I like the job, but I like art more," Kaeli explained. Manuel nodded.

"I'm an anthropologist for the Florida State University," said Jake. "Came down for vacation. I try to get away from the books. It eats at you sometimes."

"I could never do a desk job, or anything teaching related," Manuel said. "I just don't find that life interesting."

"I like adventure," said Kaeli. Jake shook his head.

"I don't like dangerous situations."

"Well I do," Manuel said. "I know it may sound creepy, but I love the rush you get when doing surgery. It's exhilarating. Someone's life hangs in your hands, you get your adrenaline pumping."

"I wish something interesting would happen," Jake admitted. "Not necessarily dangerous, or anything, but just overall interesting. Being a professor doesn't always create the most exciting situations."

"Be careful what you wish for," said Kaeli in a teasing manner. She smiled, and so did Manuel.

"This island is beautiful," he said just as thunder boomed from above, rippling through the clouds. Rain threatened to drop on them at any moment.

"It would be prettier if it were lighter out," Kaeli said. Thunder crackled yet again, sounding like the rolling of a deep drum. The group kept walking until Kaeli slowed down, agitated.

"I have to go to the bathroom," she said. Manuel looked at her.

"Go in the woods over there," he said, pointing to a small, remotely open area in the jungle. "I'll wait here," Kaeli raised an eyebrow, and Manuel blushed, defensively shaking his hands. "Wait no, I won't watch, I promise!" he blurted. Kaeli giggled.

"I'm gonna keep moving forward," Jake said. "I wanna enjoy the rest of this island before we get rained out." He kept walking. Manuel watched as Kaeli trudged through the underbrush, ducked under a lengthy creeper as it snared from a tree, and disappeared behind a dense bed of leafy foliage. Thunder resonated from above.

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