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Manuel was worried now. It was almost ten minutes since he had last spotted Kaeli wander off into the jungle. He had an urge to go look for her. To rush off and search. But his brain told him not to. He didn't want to go into the jungle. The truth was, it scared him too much. He always hated cramped spaces, and although this island appeared gigantic from the air, now that he was on the ground, surrounded by lumbering trees and finger-like vines, he felt claustrophobic. Trapped.

"Kaeli?" he called out in desperation. He fought the urge to jump into the jungle, rush after her in the direction she disappeared. But he told himself he would get lost. He didn't know where she had gone, and it worried him.

"Kaeli?" he called again. He was scared now. Nothing should be happening.

He decided to stay put, but he could barely control himself. He called her name one more time. Thunder boomed, and he gulped.


Kaeli moved through the jungle. Small briar plants scratched her jeans and scuffed her boots as she trudged through the loose topsoil of the jungle. She came across a clearing, a woven bed of weeds, vines, and flowers that shyly closed themselves up because of the rain. She stepped into the small opening, her feet firmly planted on a bed of roots, then found herself surrounded by thick walls of leaves.

Up above, the roof of the jungle parted to reveal the warring skies, as thunder clashed above, and lightning streaked the clouds. Rain had not yet fallen.

She heard a rustling noise from the bushes beside her. It was a quick shake, and it sounded like an animal darting through the foliage.

It came again. Her eyes narrowed slightly. Her heart began pulsing faster.

She heard it grow closer. She began to see the leaves shake behind the veil that she was standing in, and it was circling to her right. Closing her in.

She started to back up, afraid that the thing would flank her. The rustling grew way louder. It was fast. It darted through the trees.

Kaeli's heart was thumping through her chest. She wanted to scream, she wanted to cry out for help. But nobody would hear her. She had meandered too far.

The rustling stopped. Waited, almost. Kaeli felt a lump dwell in her throat. The trees rustled again, this time fast, parting the veil.

Kaeli sighed a relieved sigh, falling to her knees, a smile painting her face as a small, human-like creature looked at her with curious eyes.

It was just a monkey.

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