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Kaeli was disturbed by the lack of cryptids in this "nest". As she and Carlin climbed down into the valley, carefully teetering on rocks, she felt more scared than ever. She thought about Manuel. It gave her strength.

Carlin wasn't too far ahead of her, holding the gun up. He ducked under a branch, then jumped off of the rock he was standing on into a pit of leaves. Kaeli did the same. Carlin walked over to a rock, where he picked up a shattered pair of glasses.

"These look like Hadden's," he commented. "You think he took a tumble?" He bore a confused smile on his face.

"Why would I know?" Kaeli shrugged. She passed him by and kept walking. The slope of the hill was getting very steep now, and they precariously slid on their heels down the loose sediment. They were almost at the bottom.

They tried to make minimal noise, but nothing seemed to be paying any attention to them anyways. Kaeli could spy Jake up on the cliff face, waiting for noise to be made. He didn't look down at them, only occasional glances at the valley. He was waiting, obviously scared.

"While we walk, I want to talk to you for a bit," Carlin said. Kaeli looked at him.

"About what?" she questioned. Carlin looked up at the cliff face.

"Do you know what you search for in life? What you pursue?" Kaeli pondered a moment.

"No, I really don't. If I had to pick for you I guess I could say love." Carlin sneered.

"I would agree with your first part, not the second. Love is a waste of time. It builds unhealthy connections and generates promises that break people. If you get too attached to something it makes you less efficient."

"I guess."

"But if that is what you pursue, so be it. Life needs to have a purpose. Something that drives us forward. Not many have found that yet."

"What's your point?"

"My point is," Carlin said, as they approached the cliff, crossing an ankle deep stream to get to another land mass. They were awfully close to the cave entrances. They reeked of meat, of death, of decay and beastliness. "We each have our pleasures. All of us. Mine are somewhat more guilty."

"What are you saying..." Kaeli said suspiciously. They now stood very close to the caves, underneath the terrace with the Explorer. Carlin beamed.

"I have fun with people in a way you couldn't imagine," he said, raising the gun to her. Kaeli gulped.

"There's a network of tunnels behind us and we have all the time in the world, just us two! Wanna play?"

Carlin's smile never faded as he slowly came towards her. She trembled so hard, shaking in her boots unmoving. He stroked her hair with a grimy hand.

"It'll be so, so fun, Kaeli. So very fun."

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