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Kaeli was alarmed at the sound of rapid footsteps outside. She heard it against the rain, the crunching of gravel as someone ran across it.

The footsteps sounded human, so she cautiously approached the door and looked out. When she peeked out into the thick rain, she saw Hadden running towards the plane.

"Hello sir," she said. "Get inside quick."

Hadden didn't need to be told. He used his last bit of strength he had to sprint up the plane's stairs, then threw himself into a chair, soaking wet and panting. Kaeli went to the refreshments cart that was parked in the far corner of the plane and poured him a cup of water. She handed it to him, and he took it, arms shaking.

"Hadden," she said. "You seem sick."

"I really feel sick miss," Hadden said, and he unleashed a scratchy whooping cough. Kaeli flinched.

"You're showing signs of hypothermia," Kaeli told him. "You're also somehow sporting a fever. On top of that you've got a cough."

"Well thanks for giving it to me straight," Hadden said with a smile. Kaeli noticed that even when in a bad situation, the goofy man always seemed to smile.

"Drink up," Kaeli said. "Then when you're ready tell me what you've been doing all night."

Hadden stopped drinking, the water lapping against his upper lip. He set the cup down on the table as Kaeli sat down. He shook his head.

"There's something out there," Hadden said. "It looks like a dinosaur. Moves like a cheetah. It killed a monkey, and it was going to kill me." Kaeli blinked.

"Something killed the pilot," she said. "His body went missing from the cargo hold. Manuel went out looking for it." Hadden shook his head.

"No, no, you have to get him back now. It's not safe. I could've just lead that thing right back to us."

Kaeli eyed him with disgust, standing up, shivering slightly. Her shaky hand found refuge on the arm of the chair.

"I fell in a puddle while running away, water went into my lungs," Hadden coughed. "I think that's how."

Kaeli wasn't listening. She was just staring out the door, hoping Manuel would be back soon.


"Do you think it's following us?" Jake asked.

"Could be," Carlin said as they carried Tucker in their arms, careful not to rouse his leg. "If it is, we don't have much time before it catches up. And we're out in the open, so we're easy pickings."

Jake panned his head around to catch glimpse of his surroundings. The treetops high above swayed backwards, parting to form a V shape in the crest of the road. The sound of the leaves swishing and the rain hammering down almost felt calming.

"It hurts..." grumbled Tucker.

"I have morphine on the plane," Carlin said. When he caught Jake looking at him, he snapped; "Don't ask."

The men trotted along the pathway, struggling to run for their lives and support their dying friend, who was their only ticket off the island.

"What was that?" Jake questioned.

"Don't start with me now," Carlin scolded with a scowl.

"No, I'm serious. I thought I saw something move through the jungle over there. Carlin turned his head. He saw nothing but the black sprawl of the treeline.

"The jungle comes alive at night," Carlin whispered. "It's almost like it wants to draw you in."

"Don't let them near..." Tucker babbled from Carlin's arms.

A roar rippled from the distance. It didn't sound too far off from where they were. Jake and Carlin looked at each other.

"Let's pick up the pace," Carlin said, and their legs pumped faster.

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