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"Tay you do realize you haven't gotten to know them right?"

I roll my eyes. "All the boys in our school are the same I don't need to know them to see that"

"Loosen up a bit I get it volleyballs important but you need to meet new people, I think it'll be good for you" she smiles but I'm not having it.

I understand I'm caught up in volleyball but I have no interest in getting to know some boy from our school just to get rejected because I'm not good enough.
It's tiring being the best you can be but its never good enough. Why it's like that? I genuinely don't know.

Let's be honest any relationship in high school won't last long especially with the people in my school, it's like they don't care, they have the 'I don't give a fûck' mentality and I hate it.

"Cass you of all people should know that I can't just 'loosen up'" I air quote
"You know what's going on, why should I anyways? So I could meet the airheads at our school? No thanks"

"You know they're people too right? They all make mistakes, they could just be in a faze"

I sigh heavily. "They aren't worth my time"

"Why do you always act like you're better than everyone else? It's unfair I get it everything has to be perfect for you but you get what you get and I'm sorry to tell you but you're stuck with 'airheads' like me!" She shouts

I didn't know she felt that way. Yes she's a part of our school and I always say that the people are dumb but she shouldn't be defensive because if anything I'm insulting myself.

"Cass I'm sorry I didn't know you felt that way"

She raises her brow. "Is that apology genuine?"
"Yes it is, why the sudden change of attitude?"

"I'm sorry I just don't think it's cool to always judge the people at school"
I nod my head.


It was the first time that I'll have AP Physics this year so it's a whole new class and luckily I don't have it everyday of the school week.

"I'm sure you've heard many introduction to your senior year already so let's get right into it. Your seat assignments are on the board so simply look for your name"

Alphabetically order. I quickly scan the room and find a Dolan so I'm guessing he's next to me, if Cass were here she would be celebrating.

I go to my table number and take my seat.

"Hi" he introduces

"Grayson? or are you the other one?"

He looks taken aback. " 'the other one' that's nice. But no I'm not Grayson I'm Ethan"

"Nice to meet you"
"Can't say the same about you"

"Why can't you?"
"Because it wasn't nice meeting you. In other words I didn't like it"

"Maybe you didn't like it because my head isn't in between your thighs. You just seem to want that sort of treatment once you meet a guy" he fires back

"Excuse me but if you're implying I'm a slut you better take that back!"
"Or what?" He smirks

"Go to hell" I shout earning attention from everyone

"Taylor! That language is prohibited!" The teacher shouts

"That wig you're wearing should be prohibited" I mumble

"Anyways, if you didn't know physics is the natural science that involves the study of matter and its motion through space and time, along with related concepts such as energy and force. Any questions before we start?" She quickly scans the room and nods her head.

"Ok the lesson begins now!"


"Hey" I say to Cass
"Hi, how's it going?"

I chuckle. "It's crappy I was called a slut. Well it was implied"

Cass gasps. "By who?"

"I was in AP physics and Ethan Dolan sits next to me so he says hi and I asked if it was Grayson or him, so he says nice to meet you but I said I couldn't say the same so he said I didn't like meeting him because his head wasn't in between my thighs"

"What a cùnt bag" Cass giggles
"Yea I just yelled at him so it didn't end too well, but it's fine I guess"

"Don't worry it's just this year, you won't even spend time with him so time will go by in a flash"

"Yea it's gonna be like he was never there"

But was that true?



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