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Yell, yell, YELL!!!

That's all you ever do.

Yell yell yell.

I'm tired of the screaming.

I'm tired of the yelling.

I just wanna leave and never come back.

Would that stop the yelling?

Would that stop the screaming?

Would that solve my problems?

Maybe for now.

If you found me, I'd cry.

Would you even search?

Probably not.

Would you even care?

Probably not.

But if I died, then you would.

Please stop the yelling.

Please stop the screaming.

Could you stop being disappointed?

Could you just be proud of me?

I'm not just a mess up.

I'm good at things too.

If you didn't focus on the bad things.

Maybe, then you would know.

Try and notice the good I do.

Then you might be proud!

I've tried to talk to you.

But you just ignore.

I've tried spending time with you.

But you just push away.

I've tried and tried again,

But you don't care.

All you do, is focus on my mistakes.

I just want you to be proud.

Is that to much to ask?


Dear Pillow, Sorry for all the TearsWhere stories live. Discover now