Chapter 9

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(Newts pov)

As the day was coming to an end things with y/n were still not good she has been ignoring me all day. I knew I shouldn't have said anything but i didn't want to see her get hurt. There is something I don't like about Blake and I am going to find out what it is. I was standing outside beside the kitchen. Next thing Blake walks up to me. "Hey Blake." He didn't say anything he looks around and sports y/n looking our way. She pretended not to look by going back to what she was doing. When she wasn't looking Blake grabbed my arm and we drags me behind the kitchen shack where on one could see us. "Woah Blake what are you doing let go." "Shut up and listen to what I have to say." I could tell by the tone he was speaking that this was not going to be good. "I'm here to warn you. I know you like y/n and she likes you but if you look at her or talk to her or even touch her I will hurt her and you. She is mine and will always be mine. I will make sure that she loves me and trust me she will. You hear me." "You can't force her to do that. Don't you dare touch her." "Why are you going to do. This is my warning to you. Don't talk to her, look at her or touch her or you are going to wish you were never born." And with that he punched me in the stomach. I wanted to yell out but if I did he would hurt y/n and I cannot risk that happening. I love her to much and if anything happened to her I could not live with myself.

After Blake left I went to dinner. I tried not to show any emotion of me being in pain. As I sit down y/n walks in with the new greenie. Looks like then have become friends already. As she sits down she does not look at me or give me eye contact. I didn't look at her either except for those few times when Blake wasn't looking. Every time I look at Blake he would give my like these death stares. I ignore and continue eating my meal. After a while everyone started to go to bed. As Blake walked out he gave me this stare and a little smirk. I look away and hope that he didn't come back. All that was awake at this point was Thomas, Teresa, y/n and I. Thomas and Teresa were sitting there laughing and talking between themselves and I was sitting there awkwardly with y/n. After a few minutes she tells everyone that she is going to bed. As she walks out I leave as well to talk to y/n. Blake was not around so I knew this would be the perfect opportunity to apologise to y/n. I walk out the door and she starts to walk faster. "Y/n wait up." "What is it Newt." She says still annoyed at me "Look I am sorry for the way I acted I shouldn't have told you that you couldn't talk to Blake." She stops outside her room and turns around to face Me "why did you do it." "I don't know I guess I was jealous and I wanted you to be safe. Can we just be friends And forget about this. I am sorry for everything." "Fine apology accepted friends it is." She walks up to me and gives me a hug. I flinch in pain. "Newt what's wrong." She asks worried "Nothing it's nothing" "it's not nothing." I lifts up my shirt and sees the bruise on the side of his stomach where Blake punched me. "Oh my gosh Newt what happened who did this to you." "Know one I just fell and hurt myself." "Newt please tell me what really happened I know you didn't just fall." "I'm sorry y/n I can't tell you." "Why not." "Because I don't want you to get hurt." "What do you mean get hurt Newt what's going on." "I can't tell you just get some sleep I will be fine." "Oh Newt I wish you would tell me." "It's ok get some sleep I will see you in the morning." "Ok good night Newt." "Good night love."  I walk back to my room and hope that Blake did not see anything. She was so concerned I will protect her she is my love. At least I know she feels the same way about me.

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