Chapter 13

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(your pov)

It was Newt he had hit Blake over the head with a shovel. Blake fell straight to the ground and was nocked out. As Blake let go of me I fall to the ground. I was till in shock had no strength to keep myself up. I was so scared. I curled myself into a ball and pushing myself into the corner of the two walls laying there in shock. Newt ran straight over to me. "Y/n Hey y/n it ok it just me. I'm not going to hurt you." He grabbed my shirt and gave it to me. I put it back on. Newt pulled me onto his lap and I curl into him. "It's ok. Everything's going to be fine." He kept saying to me as he rubbed his hand on my back comforting me. We sit there for a bit as I cry into his shirt. "I-I'm sorry Newt I-I should have l-listened to you." "Hey it's ok you couldn't have known. Come on we need to get you back." Newt picks me up bridal style and carries me back to the glade. "I can walk back you don't need to carry me." "No I got this. I am not going to let you walk after what just happened." "Thanks Newt."

We reach the glade and Newt takes me into the medi jack hut. "What happened." One of the medi jacks asked as Newt lay me on the bed. "Blake happened."Newt told them. As the medi jacks were making sure I had no broken bones and were healing up my scratches Teresa, Thomas and Minho ran in. "Y/n what happened are you ok." Teresa asked me as she ran to give me a hug. "Blake is what happened." "That's it where is he. I will not have anyone hurt one of my best friends." "He is nocked out in the forest well at least he was when we left." As she went to walk out the door Thomas stopped her in her tracks. "Woah Teresa leave this to Minho and I. I don't want you to get hurt as well." Thomas said to Teresa as they went to leave. "Ok you are all good to go." The medi jacks said "I suggested you get some sleep you have had a long day." "I'll take her and make sure she gets some rest" Newt said helping me up." "Ok. I will come see you when you wake up." Teresa said leaving to wait for Thomas and Minho.

Newt wraps his arms around my waist as we walk back to my room. When we reach my bed Newt tucks me and goes to leave. "Newt wait." "What is it love." "Can you stay with me until I fall asleep." "Sure." Newt walks over and lays under the blanket beside me. "Hey newt can I ask you something." "Yeah sure anything love." "How did you know where I was." "Well I overheard Blake saying are you ready for our walk and I didn't trust his so I kinda followed you guys into the forest. Please don't be mad." He said as he started to blush. I turn to face him and kiss him on the cheek. "How could I be mad you saved my life. If it wasn't for you who knows what Blake would have done to me." I look up at him and he smiles at me. "I love you y/n. I will never let anything happen to you for as long as I live." "I love you too Newt thank you for being there for me." "That's ok love. Now get some sleep." He say kissing me gently on the forehead. As my eyes get heavy I fall asleep knowing Newt was right there beside me and he would always keep me safe.

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